Preparations for the UNEA-7 Ministerial Declaration were initiated through a letter from the UNEA President, dated 15 January 2025.
With the letter, the UNEA President circulated the roadmap for the preparation of the draft ministerial declaration (roadmap updated on 25 March 2025). He invited Member States and observers to share initial thoughts, key topics and issues to be considered for inclusion in the zero draft by 21 February 2025.
Written inputs should be shared with the secretariat of the United Nations Environment Programme using the e-Submit module on the edeleGATE. More information on how to access the e-deleGATE and share inputs through e-Submit module is available on the website of the Committee of Permanent Representatives.
Accredited major groups and stakeholders do not have access to e-deleGATE and have received an email with instructions on how to share their input with the Secretariat.
Following the established practice, it is expected that the UNEA-7, during its high-level segment, will consider for adoption by consensus a concise and action-oriented draft ministerial declaration, providing high-level political guidance on the implementation of the UNEA-7 theme.
The UNEA-7 Presidency will provide leadership as the penholder and facilitate intergovernmental consultations in finalizing the draft ministerial declaration, ensuring the broadest possible ownership through an iterative, open, transparent, participatory and inclusive intergovernmental consultations. Throughout the consultation process, the UNEA President will be guided and supported by the members of the UNEA and the Committee of Permanent Representatives Bureaux.