“Advancing sustainable solutions for a resilient planet”

A year ahead of UNEA-7, the UNEA Bureau, at a joint meeting of the Bureaux of UNEA and the Commnittee of Permanent Representatives (CPR), defined the UNEA-7 theme, “Advancing sustainable solutions for a resilient planet," after broad consultations with Member States and observers, including the major groups and stakeholders, led by the UNEA Presidency.  

The theme sends a strong message to accelerate sustainable solutions and effective responses for a safer and more resilient planet. 

This theme recognizes that striving for a world that is just, equitable and inclusive hinges on advancing sustainable development, promoting sustained and inclusive economic growth, social development and environmental protection to benefit all, as recognized in the “Future We Want.” 

Thus, a resilient planet is one where healthy ecosystems are prioritized; where resource intensity is reduced and efficiency is enhanced; where consumption and production demands are reoriented towards sustainability; and where new technologies and practices can sustainably anticipate and prevent environmental risks. To be successful and truly catalyze the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, all of these conditions must be underpinned by effective and inclusive environmental governance and respect for the human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.

Read the announcement letter on the theme of UNEA-7: Communications from the UNEA-7 President

Background information

Each session of the UNEA has a theme, which is chosen following broad consultations with Member States and a wide cross-section of stakeholders and endorsed by the UNEA Bureau at least one year ahead of the session. The consultations take place under the auspices of the Presidency of the Environment Assembly. UNEA-6, in its decision 6/7, requested the UNEA Bureau, in consultation with members of the CPR, to define the theme no later than 12 months in advance of UNEA-7. 

1st informal consultation12 July 2024 
2nd informal consultation26 September 2024[Letter] {Background document]
3rd informal consultation22 October 2024[Letter] [Background document]
4th informal consultation14 Nov 2024[Letter] [Background document]

The final decision on the theme was taken by the UNEA Bureau during the joint meeting of the Bureaux of UNEA and the CPR on 11 December 2024.