
The GEO thematic assessments provide an environmental outlook based analysis on various issues, such as gender and the environment, snow and ice covers as well as perse realities of island states and communities through the GEO SIDS. Thematic assessments provide approaches geared to improving the state of the environment by providing policy options for responding to these environmental challenges. They are presented here with links to the underlying assessments.


Global Linkages- A graphic look at the changing Arctic

The new report “Global Linkages – A graphic look at the changing Arctic”, produced by UN Environment and its collaborating center GRID-Arendal, is a set of maps and graphics, accompanied by short narratives to synthesize and illustrate the most critical, connected environmental challenges with Arctic and global relevance and focusing on issues which call for common solutions. The graphics builds on Arctic and global environmental assessments and reflect the dynamic connection between the Arctic...

Global Gender and Environment Outlook (GGEO)

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the UN system’s authoritative advocate for the environment. It keeps our global environment under regular review and provides governments, policy-makers and other stakeholders with the up-to-date information and knowledge they need to track...


On 2nd September 2014,the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) launched the GEO SIDS Outlook, part of its flagship Global Environment Outlook (GEO) series. The report, based on the findings of a broad range of SIDS scientists, experts and policy makers, provides four integrated themes for action to...