Our evaluation approach

UN Environment's evaluations apply a theory-based approach to first establish the causal logic of our interventions by reviewing or reconstructing a project's Theory of Change and then assessing the project's performance along the confirmed causal pathways. This approach allows us to make explicit the assumptions and drivers that underpin causal chains from inputs to outputs and through to outcomes, intermediate states and impact. 

As far as possible we apply common approaches across our evaluations in order to promote transparency and comparability across evaluation findings. This section provides guidance on the evaluation process as well as tools, templates and evaluation approaches commonly used in the Evaluation Office. Up-to-date versions of the items listed below are available from the Evaluation Office.

UN Environment Programming

Evaluation Criteria and Ratings

Template and Tools

Theory of Change

Human Rights and Gender Equality

Sustainable Development Goals

Guidance for Consultants

Guidance for Evaluation Managers

Guidance for Project Managers

Samples of Evaluation Deliverables







Last updated: 09 Nov 2021, 18:32