• Overview
  • Pre-Session Documents
  • Post-Session Documents
  • Special events
  • Statements

Date: 8-12 July 2024

Time: 10:00 - 18:00 (GMT+3)

Venue: Hybrid (Conference Room 2 and online; except for Wednesday, 10 July in Conference Room 1 and online)

Chair: H.E. Mr. Firas Khouri, Chair of the Committee of Permanent Representatives (CPR), Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to Kenya and Permanent Representative to UNEP.

Annotated Provisional Agenda First upload on 27 May 2024

Structure of the 11th annual subcommittee meeting of the CPR First upload on 27 May 2024

List of documents for the 11th annual subcommittee meeting of the CPR First upload on 19 June 2024

Speech by the Executive Director at the 11th annual subcommittee of the CPR Uploaded 08 July 2024

UNEP/CPR/ASC/11/9/Rev.2 – Final Chair’s Summary - Uploaded on 12 July 2024

Practical information:

How to access e-deleGATE and how to use e-Submit

Participation Guide for Major Groups and Stakeholders

Agenda Item 1: Opening of the meeting. 


Agenda Item 2: Adoption of the agenda. 


Agenda Item 3: Implementation of the Programme of work and budget 2022-2023 of the United Nations Environment Programme. 

Item 3a) Review of UNEP Programme of Work implementation. 

Recommendations proposed under item 3 a) entitled “Review of UNEP Programme of Work implementation"

Item 3b) Management and administration of UNEP.

Item 3c) Consideration of relevant UNEP evaluation reports.

Management Response to Evaluation Synthesis Report (Uploaded on 11 July 2024)

Item 3 d) Coordination within the UN system on the environment through the Environment Management Group

Item 3 e) Contribution of the regional forums of ministers of the environment and environment authorities to the UNEP Medium-term Strategy and Programme of Work

 Reference documents  


Agenda Item 4: Financial outlook, opportunities and challenges for the United Nations Environment Programme. 

Reference documents  


Agenda Item 5: Preparations for the seventh session of the United Nations Environment Assembly 

Item 5 a) Roadmap for the development of a medium-term strategy for the period 2026-2029 and a draft programme of work and budget for the period 2026-2027 

Item 5b) Consultation on the theme for the seventh session of the United Nations Environment Assembly. 

  • UNEP/CPR/ASC/11/7: Proposals for a theme for the seventh session of the United Nations Environment Assembly. (Uploaded on 27 June 2024)
  • UNEP/CPR/ASC/11/8: Guidance on the theme for the seventh session of the United Nations Environment Assembly. (Uploaded on 27 June 2024)

Co-facilitators Non Paper: Draft recommendation on Lessons learned from UNEA-6 for consideration by the CPR


Agenda Item 6: Consideration of a draft Chair’s summary of the meeting. 


Agenda Item 7: Other matters. 


Agenda Item 8: Closing of the meeting. 

Photo Link Uploaded 12 July 2024

Photo Link Uploaded 12 July 2024

UNEP/CPR/ASC/11/9/Rev.2 – Final Chair’s Summary - Uploaded on 12 July 2024

1. Navigating new horizons: a global foresight report on planetary health and human wellbeing

Time: 13:15-14:45 (GMT+3, Nairobi time), Monday, 8 July 2024

Venue: Conference Room 4

Event Poster

Concept Note Uploaded on 21 June 2024

Presentation Uploaded 10 July 2024

2. Artificial Intelligence Governance and Environmental Impact Considerations

Time: 13:15-14:45 (GMT+3, Nairobi time), Tuesday 9 July 2024

Venue: Conference Room 4

Event Poster

Concept Note Uploaded on 20 June 2024

Presentation - LDRI

3. Accessing carbon markets to strengthen Nationally Determined Contributions: current state of play, trends, and future scenarios

Time: 13:15-14:45 (GMT+3, Nairobi time), Wednesday 10 July 2024

Venue: Conference Room 4

Event Poster

Concept Note Uploaded 21 June 2024

Presentation Uploaded on 15 July 2024

4. Keeping 1.5 within Reach, Increasing ambition in next round of climate plans

Time: 13:15-14:45 (GMT+3, Nairobi time), Thursday 11 July 2024

Venue: Conference Room 4

Event Poster

Concept Note Uploaded 24 June 2024

Learn more about how to access e-deleGATE and how to use e-Submit to share statements with the Secretariat.


Agenda Item 1: Opening of the meeting. 

Speech by the Executive Director at the 11th annual subcommittee of the CPR Uploaded 08 July 2024

European Union and its 27 Member States Uploaded 08 July 2024

Group of Latin America and the Caribbean Countries Uploaded 08 July 2024

Algeria  Uploaded 10 July 2024

Colombia Uploaded 08 July 2024

Costa Rica  Uploaded 08 July 2024

Morocco Uploaded 09 July 2024

Peru Uploaded 09 July 2024

Tanzania Uploaded 11 July 2024

United States of America Uploaded 08 July 2024

Major Groups and Stakeholders Uploaded 08 July 2024


Agenda Item 2: Adoption of the agenda. 


Agenda Item 3: Implementation of the Programme of work and budget 2022-2023 of the United Nations Environment Programme. 

Item 3a) Review of UNEP Programme of Work implementation

Finland General remarks Uploaded 08 July 2024

Finland Q&A Session 4: Foundational Subprogrammes Uploaded 09 July 2024

Morocco Uploaded 09 July 2024

Children and Youth Major Group Uploaded 09 July 2024

Item 3b) Management and administration of UNEP

Eswatini Uploaded 10 July 2024

Peru Uploaded 10 July 2024

United States of America Uploaded 15 July 2024

Item 3 d) Coordination within the UN system on the environment through the Environment Management Group

Colombia Uploaded 11 July 2024

Morocco Uploaded 11 July 2024

Item 3 e) Contribution of the regional forums of ministers of the environment and environment authorities to the UNEP Medium-term Strategy and Programme of Work

Malawi Uploaded 08 July 2024

Morroco Uploaded 12 July 2024


Agenda Item 4: Financial outlook, opportunities and challenges for the United Nations Environment Programme. 

Finland Uploaded 10 July 2024

Morocco Uploaded 12 July 2024

United States of America Uploaded 15 July 2024


Agenda Item 5: Preparations for the seventh session of the United Nations Environment Assembly 

Item 5a) Roadmap for the development of a medium-term strategy for the period 2026-2029 and a draft programme of work and budget for the period 2026-2027 

Colombia Uploaded 11 July 2024

Finland Uploaded 11 July 2024

Morocco Uploaded 11 July 2024

Item 5b) Consultation on the theme for the seventh session of the United Nations Environment Assembly. 

Morocco Uploaded 11 July 2024

Zambia Uploaded 11 July 2024

United States of America Uploaded 15 July 2024


Agenda Item 6: Consideration of a draft Chair’s summary of the meeting. 


Agenda Item 7: Other matters. 
Agenda Item 8: Closing of the meeting

Zambia Uploaded 12 July 2024

Major Groups and Stakeholders Joint Statement Uploaded 12 July 2024

Algeria Uploaded 15 July 2024

Statements across all agenda items:

Tanzania Uploaded 11 July 2024