• Overview
  • Documents

On the 21st of February 2019, a briefing for the Kenyan NGOs attending the fourth United Nations Environmental Assembly (to be held between 11th – 15th March 2019) was held at the UNON grounds in conference room 4.

Chaired by the Acting Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, Joyce Msuya and the head of the Civil Society Unit, Alexander Juras, the briefing invited panelists to address the Kenyan NGOs regarding the agenda of UNEA-4 and its side events, to clarify what the Kenyan NGOs can expect from UNEA-4.

The key points of the briefing included: the sequence of events, the events that specific groups (such as non-accredited NGOs) can attend, correct etiquette for all participants and highlighting the opportunities to engage with the various stakeholders attending the event from all over the globe.

Once everything was covered by the panelists then a Q & A session commenced.
