• Overview

When: 24 April at 14.00-15.30 (GMT+6)

Where: Bangabandhu International Conference Center, Dhaka, Bangladesh

The event is taking place as part of the NAP Expo 2024.

As the first global stocktake of the Paris Agreement outlined, despite increasing ambition in plans and commitments, ‘all countries need to urgently enhance actions to strengthen adaptation’. As of March 2024, 53 developing countries have communicated their NAPs to the UNFCCC and countries are gearing up to revise their NDCs by 2025, representing opportunities for countries to enhance their adaptation ambition and align their NDC revision process with their ongoing NAP formulation and implementation processes as NAPs can provide detailed action plan for the implementation of the adaptation commitments contained in the NDCs.

UNDP and UNEP have been supporting country driven action to deliver the goals of the Paris Agreement through their support to Member States to their NDCs, NAPs and adaptation action on the ground. UNDP is also providing support to the UN Secretary General’s Adaptation Pipeline Accelerator (APA) initiative together with partners, while UNEP is publishing the Adaptation Gap Report and the Emission Gap Report annually to assess countries’ progress in meeting adaptation and mitigation targets.

This session aims to continue this discussion by focusing on challenges and opportunities for accelerating adaptation through NAP and NDC implementation, with a particular focus on tools and enablers for scaling adaptation finance.


This session aims to:

  1. Facilitate a knowledge exchange among country representatives on emerging experiences in scaling adaptation finance for NAP and NDC implementation by identifying relevant tools, frameworks and lessons learned.
  2. Share key factors that contribute to accelerating adaptation through the NAP and NDC processes; and synergies in NAP and NDC implementation and integration to the national and local planning process.
  3. Provide emerging experiences of countries in developing financing strategies, adaptation project pipelines, investment plans and other tools, innovative financial models, and approaches for mobilizing, leveraging and aligning finance for adaptation priorities.