• Overview

When: Wednesday 24 August 2022 at 11:00am-12.30pm (GMT+2)

Where: NAP Expo, Gaborone International Conference Center, Botswana (in-person only)

Co-organized by UNEP, UNDP and IUCN, this session of the NAP Expo will explore ways to nurture and advance the practice of ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) through its integration in National Adaptation Plans (NAPs). Experiences with the development and implementation of NAPs will be exchanged, including solutions such as rehabilitating or restoring critical ecosystems, enhancing ecosystem connectivity, and hybrid combinations of ‘grey’ and ‘green’ infrastructure. Session participants will share and exchange specific opportunities, challenges and relevant tools for advancing EbA.

The objectives of the session include:

  1. To understand ways to enhance the scale and pace of EbA implementation in NAPs to fully harness the potential of ecosystems for delivering adaptation benefits;
  2. To share emerging institutional and political challenges for mainstreaming EbA across NAPs;
  3. To build awareness on methods for mainstreaming EbA into NAPs or NAP-related investments, including the awareness of relevant toolkits and standards to support this mainstreaming.

The session will bring together experts, practitioners, and policymakers involved in adaptation and disaster risk reduction (DRR). Participants of the session will include government representatives, UNFCCC constituted bodies, UN agencies, NGOs, development agencies, funding institutions, and research organizations.

Learn more about UNEP’s work in adaptation here.

For further information, please contact: Lou.Perpes@un.org, Programme Officer, UNEP Climate Change Adaptation Unit