• Overview
  • UNEP events at APCW 2021

APCW 2021 is accelerating collaboration and integrating climate action into global pandemic recovery. Building back opens an opportunity to address social inequalities and invest in economic development that is good for humanity and nature.

The APCW 2021 Virtual Thematic Sessions take the pulse of climate action in the region, explore climate challenges and opportunities, and showcase ambitious solutions. These sessions focus on priorities identified earlier in the year at the Virtual Regional Roundtables and the outcomes will be carried forward to the Ministerial Sessions later this year. This is an opportunity for regional stakeholders to have their voice heard and contribute to COP 26.

The APCW Virtual Thematic Sessions are scheduled from 6 to 9 July and will be hosted by the Government of Japan.

The global organizing partners – UNEP, UNFCCC, UNDP, World Bank – are collaborating widely to deliver Thematic Sessions, facilitate Side Events and highlight videos in the Action Hub. Each APCW 2021 track focuses on one theme and runs for four hours each day of the event. The three tracks of Asia-Pacific Climate Week are:

  • National actions and economy-wide approaches – led by the World Bank
  • Integrated approaches for climate-resilient development – led by UNDP
  • Seizing transformation opportunities – led by UNEP

To register and for more information, please visit: https://unfccc.int/APCW2021

Overview of UNEP events at the APCW 2021 Virtual Thematic Sessions (all times in JST/GMT+9)

Tuesday, 6. July 2021

  • Imagining 2050: Building low carbon, resource efficient, nature positive and socially just cities (11:00 am-12:30 pm)
  • Urban Climate Sensitive and Resilient Policies for Behaviour Change and Technology Development (12:30-2:00 pm)
  • Enhancing Access to Climate Finance: Challenges and Opportunities at urban level (02:00-03:00 pm)
  • A Practical Guide to Climate-resilient Buildings & Communities (07:00-08:00 pm)

Wednesday 7. July 2021

  • #Data4BetterClimateAction: How to use climate transparency to achieve effective climate action AND advance national development (07:00-08:30 am)
  • Imagining A Sustainable Energy Future by 2050 (11:00 am-12:30 pm)
  • Technology Innovations and Policies for Sustainable Energy to Achieve Net Zero Emissions (12:30-2:00 pm)
  • Financing the Sustainable Energy Transition (2:00-3:00 pm)
  • CTCN NDE Asia-Pacific Forum 2021 on Accelerating Climate Action through Climate Technology Transfer (01:00-04:00 pm)
  • Innovative and replicable e-mobility solutions to transform urban mobility (03:00-04:30 pm)
  • The Forgotten Commodity: Scaling Sustainable Rice (05:00-06:00 pm)

Thursday 8. July 2021

  • Enhancing Means of Implementation through Technology Needs Assessments (TNAs) (08:00-09:00 am)
  • Transport and mobility in 2050: Meeting the SDGs and the Paris Agreement (11:00 am-12:30 pm)
  • Policies, measures and technologies to advance sustainable and zero-emissions transport (12:30-2:00 pm)
  • Financing the shift to no and low emission mobility (2:00-3:00 pm)
  • Delivering Sector Level NDC in Asia -UNEP, NDC Partnership, MONRE Vietnam, MOEFCC Bangladesh (3:00-05:00 pm)
  • NDCs for buildings and construction: how to set, finance and implement effective targets to build a net-zero future (05:00-06:00 pm)

Friday 9. July 2021

  • Enhancing Climate Change Commitments to improve air quality and human health: Practical experience from the United Kingdom, and across Asia and the Pacific (09:00-10:30 am)
  • Making connections that matter: Gender and climate commitments (10:00-11:00 am)
  • KJWA, transformation and ambition in food systems in Asia and the Pacific (10:00-11:00 am)
  • The UNEP Global Electricity Mobility Programme and the Regional Support and Investment Platform in Asia Pacific (12:30-02:00 pm)
  • GlobalABC Regional Roundtable for Asia Pacific: Building Pathways to Net- Zero (01:30-03:00 pm)

To register and for more information, please visit: https://unfccc.int/APCW2021