The Association of Environmental Law Lecturers in African Universities (ASSELLAU) in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Alliance for Science seeks to interrogate the treatment of GMOs within the continent from a legal and policy standpoint in a three day conference under the theme of “Legal and Policy Measures on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) in Africa”. The conference will examine environment and health impacts of GMOs in Africa – now and in the future – including the links between GMOs and efforts to promote the environmental rule of law, and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG2 on “Zero Hunger”, and SDG16 on “Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions”. Importantly, the Conference will host regional consultations with national focal points and conference participants on clearly defined priority areas on legal responses to combat the climate change crisis for the implementation of the Fifth Montevideo Programme for the Development and Periodic Review of Environmental Law.
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