• Overview
  • Documents
  • Background
  • Invited Participants
  • Preparatory Process

The Bern III Conference aims to contribute to the efficient and effective implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) by identifying opportunities to drive and coordinate an inclusive collaborative approach towards implementation of the framework while respecting the respective mandates of biodiversity-related conventions and other relevant multilateral agreements and United Nations.

The primary objectives of the conference will be to:

  • Identify opportunities to strengthen cooperation and collaboration among Parties to the MEAs in implementing the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework at all appropriate levels.
  • Make recommendations on further steps that could be taken in order to strengthen cooperation and collaboration while recognising the respective roles and mandates of all concerned.
  • Share practical experiences of cooperation and collaboration in implementing MEAs that could be scaled up in appropriate circumstances.  

Date: 23 - 25 January, 2024 Venue: Universal Postal Union, Bern, Switzerland

Introductory Message from UNEP Law Division Director _Patricia Kameri Mbote

The Government of Switzerland confirmed its commitment to host the conference, and UNEP will work in close collaboration with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in organising the meeting. The Co-Chairs of the Bern III Conference are Ms. Clarisse Kehler Siebert from Sweden and Ms. Camila Isabel Zepeda Lizama from Mexico.  

The outcomes of the Bern III Conference will effectively promote the use of synergies among Parties and Secretariats in implementing the GBF, and will be made available to inform discussions to be held under relevant MEA governance processes as opportunities for further engagement.

Participation is by invitation only. 

English will be the working language of the conference.

Contact Ms.Diane Klaimi (diane.klaimi[at]un.org). 

The Bern Process

Is a process for cooperation among Parties to the relevant biodiversity-related conventions that aims to strengthen cooperation and collaboration, contributing to effective and efficient implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, and is recognized by the CBD COP decision 15/13. Ultimately the Bern Process strives to see the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, involving contributions from all relevant Multilateral Environmental Agreements(MEAs), within a cooperation process characterised by collaboration among secretariats and parties as well as other stakeholders, aiming for synergistic intergovernmental processes. The Bern Process builds on lessons from Bern I and Bern II consultations highlighted above.

Further, and responding to recent intergovernmental calls to continue the Bern Process, UNEP organized the Bogis-Bossey Expert Meeting (27 - 30 June 2023), in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, to gather advice on the aim, scope, agenda, participation, and modalities of organization of a conference to support the Bern Process. The meeting also considered the lessons learned from the Bern I and Bern II Consultations on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, including the use of online mechanisms and guidance to support preparations for the Bern III conference.

Bern I

The first consultation workshop of biodiversity-related conventions on the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (Bern I) took place in Bern, June 10-12, 2019, in response to CBD COP decision 14/34. The consultations were hosted by the Government of Switzerland. During this meeting, participants discussed elements for inclusion into the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and explored ways for other conventions to contribute to its preparation. The outcomes of Bern I informed the co-chairs of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (OEWG). The co-chairs were Switzerland and South Africa. Responding to the interests of the biodiversity-related conventions for further consultations, it was decided to convene a second round of consultations (Bern II).

Report Bern I Consultation Workshop

Bern II

Conducted virtually in early 2021, during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Bern II aimed to further enhance cooperation and ensure coherent implementation of the Post-2020 GBF by the biodiversity-related conventions. Online discussions during Bern II spanning nearly one year, focused on concrete elements for inclusion in the post-2020 GBF and mechanisms for the monitoring and review of its implementation. Furthermore, ways were identified in which conventions other than the CBD could contribute towards the framework's development and collaborate on its operationalization. A total of twelve conclusions were formulated and shared with a range of MEA advisory and governance bodies, including a Co-chairs Paper, advancing discussions on the development of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. Cambodia and the EU co-chaired this meeting. More information on the Bern II Consultation Workshop

Report Bern II Consultation Workshop

Bern III

It was clear that cooperation for the GBF must continue even after its adoption, and recognized by CBD COP decision 15/13, which called for the continuation of the Bern Process. Thereby, UNEP was invited to facilitate strengthened cooperation and collaboration amongst MEAs, contributing to the efficient and effective implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Therefore, the Bern III Conference will take place in January 2024, in line with this directive, focusing on action-oriented results on how to drive and coordinate an inclusive as well as collaborative implementation process for the GBF while respecting the mandates of biodiversity-related conventions and other relevant MEAs. Thereby, Bern III builds on the experience of the Bern I and Bern II consultations. The co-chairs are from Mexico and Sweden. Other biodiversity-related conventions and relevant conventions were also invited to consider the framework and strengthen collaboration through their processes and further interlinkages.

Participation is by invitation only.

Representatives of the parties of each convention in the biodiversity, climate change, land degradation and chemicals and wastes clusters, are nominated through a process facilitated by the secretariats in consultation with the chairs of respective governing bodies. In addition, representatives of Women, Youth, Indigenous Peoples groups and international organizations in a position to provide expert support on synergies in the implementation of the GBF will participate. Efforts will be made to ensure regional balance among party representatives and gender balance as per UN standards.  



Nominated participants from the Biodiversity-related MEAs, Chemicals and Wastes related MEAs as well Rio- Conventions as appropriate, will be engaged in preparatory activities including webinars and online discussion platforms, to introduce the topics of the discussions to take place at the conference, and to ensure that participants are all on the same page. Some of the sessions will be live-streamed to inform a broader audience.

Webinar I

The first webinar was held on December 19, 2023, aimed at preparing participants for the upcoming Bern III Conference by highlighting conference objectives, agenda, key topics, organizational processes, and the desired ultimate outcomes. The webinar also offered insights into the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and provided background information on the Bern Process, emphasizing cooperation among the Parties to the Biodiversity-related conventions and other pertinent Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) for the effective implementation of the GBF. The session included a review of lessons learned from previous Bern consultations and opened the floor for comments and questions. Importantly, the webinar was designed to collect input and reduce the need for extensive presentations during the conference. 

The Webinar recording is accessible below:

Webinar II

The second webinar was held on January 15, 2024, aimed at presenting the background and guiding documents relevant to the Bern III Conference to further prepare the participants and invite their feedback. UNEP-WCMC shed light on potential connections between the GBF and MEAs by presenting the draft 'cross-mapping paper'. The Co-Chairs introduced the Co-Chairs Paper, which reflected on actionable options on how to strengthen cooperation among biodiversity-related conventions for implementing the GBF. Furthermore, UNEP introduced the Global Framework on Chemicals—For a Planet Free of Harm from Chemicals and Waste—as an important area for synergies and illustrated its interrelations with the GBF. Throughout the webinar, participants actively contributed by providing valuable inputs and feedback on the materials presented.

The Webinar recording is accessible below: