• Overview
  • Schedule
  • Documents


  • Plastic pollution remains a pressing environmental issue with far-reaching effects. Every year, 19-23 million tonnes of plastic waste leak into aquatic ecosystems, polluting lakes, rivers, and seas, exacerbating an already critical problem. 1Plastic pollution disrupts habitats and natural processes, reduces ecosystems' ability to adapt to climate change, and directly impacts millions of people’s livelihoods, food production capabilities, and social well-being.
  • The Japanese government has been working collaboratively with UNEP since 2019. With funding from the Government of Japan, UNEP launched the project “Strengthening Plastic Pollution Management in Asia and the Pacific” (Mekong and Pacific Project). This project aims to enhance monitoring and assessment capacities, strengthen systematic approaches to plastic pollution management, and inform policymaking in the Mekong River Basin countries and Pacific Island countries.
  • Plastic pollution has gained increased attention globally and regionally, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region. For instance, in ASEAN countries, the ASEAN Declaration on Plastic Circularity was announced in October 2024.2 Similarly, Pacific Island countries have also taken initiatives to address plastic pollution. For example, the Pacific Regional Declaration on the Prevention of Marine Litter and Plastic Pollution and its Impacts that was presented at the Environment Ministers’ High-Level Talanoa in 2021.3
  • Against this backdrop, this conference serves as the concluding event for the Mekong-Pacific Project, showcasing its output. It also provides a platform to explore opportunities for synergy between the project’s outputs and other ongoing/future projects or initiatives, as well as the practical implementation of plastic management and monitoring activities using the outputs.


  • Exploring future development and sustained utilization of the Mekong Pacific Project’s outputs through collaboration with other initiatives and projects, particularly in the areas of monitoring and evaluating plastic pollution in riverine environments and implementing plastic management solutions.



  • 70 participants from various stakeholder groups, with an emphasis on government officers from Asia and Pacific countries.


  • Day 1: Regional-level initiatives and collaboration for monitoring and evaluating plastic pollution along rivers and improving plastic management.
  • Day 2: National and city-level initiatives for monitoring and evaluating plastic pollution along rivers and improving plastic management.

05 Mar 2025

Time & Place
Event Details
Registration -
Opening Session Opening Remarks
• Yurie Osawa, First Secretary, Embassy of Japan in Thailand
• Government of Thailand (TBC)
• Mushtaq Memon, Regional Coordinator for Chemicals and Pollution Action Subprogramme, UNEP

Project Introduction
• Hiroko Matsuo, Project Management Officer, UNEP
Group Photo & Coffee Break -
Presentation on the GPML • Heidi Savelli-Soderberg, Chief of the Source to Sea Pollution Unit, UNEP
Session 1: Plastic Management at the Local Government Level and Cross-Learning Opportunities across Region • Collaborating entity - Osaka city

• Exploring opportunities for city-to-city cross-learning across countries and regions on monitoring plastic pollution and managing plastics.
• Sharing experiences of multi-stakeholder cooperation cantered on a city.

• Sayaka Ono, Technical Consultant, UNEP (5 mins)
• Chika Kataoka, Deputy Manager for International Cooperation, Environmental Policy Div., Environment Bureau Osaka City (15 mins)
• Teenarong Samolkiat, Secretary to the Mayor of Kabin Buri Municipality
• Wijit Worasawat, President of Tha-Hin community (15 min)
• Junko Fujioka, International Environmental Technology Centre, Economy Division, United Nations Environment Programme (10 min)

Discussion (20 mins)
• All the speakers
Session 2: South to South Cooperation and Peer Learning for Effective EPR Policy Development: Strengthening Plastic Pollution Management in Asia • Collaborating entity - Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)

• Facilitate exchange of experiences and best practices on EPR policy development and implementation in Asia.
• Identify challenges, opportunities, and innovative approaches to strengthen EPR frameworks.
• Foster a collaborative platform for policymakers, industry representatives, and practitioners to learn from each other

Agenda Items

(I) Welcome Remarks
Yasuhiko Hotta, Area Leader/Principal Policy Analyst, Sustainable Consumption and Production Area, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)

(II) Framing Presentation
Premakumara Jagath Dickella Gamaralalage, Principal Researcher/ Director, IGES-CCET

(III) Peer Presentations: Sharing EPR Experiences
Speakers (TBC):
Felipe Dall, UNEP-IETC
Sri Lanka
- Lukshmi Fernando, Assistant Director, Environmental Pollution Control Unit, Central Environmental Authority, Sri Lanka
- Dinithi Samarathunga, Programme officer – Integrated Water Resources Management, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Sri Lanka

(IV) Interactive & Panel Discussions
Lunch -
Session 3: Monitoring of Plastic Leakage at Regional Level • Collaborating entity - Mahidol Universality

• Sharing the findings from the desktop research on regional protocols for monitoring plastic pollution from runoff.
• Discussing the necessity and feasibility of developing a regional protocol beyond country-level approaches.
• How different entities/organizations are working together in an efficient way

Agenda Items
Moderator: Chettiyappan Visvanathan, Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University

(I) Presentation (20 mins)
Achara Ussawarujikulchai, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahidol University, Thailand

(II) Discussion (40 mins)
Speakers (TBC):
- Kittiphon Boonm, Research Specialist, Geoinformatics Center, AIT (GIC-AIT)
- James Scott, Executive Director, TerraCycle Thai Foundation
- Gwendalyn Sisior, Ocean Advisor, Permanent Mission of Palau to the United Nations
- Dinithi Samarathunga, Programme officer – Integrated Water Resources Management, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Sri Lanka

Discussion points
1. Current Plastic Monitoring Tools and Their Effectiveness
2. Standardization of Monitoring Protocols Across the Region
3. Integration with Existing Monitoring Systems
4. Data Accessibility and Usage
5. Role of Stakeholders in Plastic Monitoring
6. Future Directions and Innovations
Coffee Break -
Session 4: Plastic Leakage Monitoring and Developing Solution based on the Multistakeholder Consultation Description
• Monitoring plastic pollution is essential for understanding its impact and guiding effective management strategies. This session highlights global monitoring efforts, key technologies, and regional cooperation, including case examples such as COBSEA.
• The discussion will focus on the role of national governments and regional collaboration in addressing plastic pollution, as well as practical tools, mechanisms for expanding monitoring efforts, and overcoming barriers to effective data collection.

Agenda Items

(I) Introduction (3mins) Sayaka Ono, Technical Consultant, UNEP

(II) Presentations
- Noriko Tamiya-Hase, Deputy Director, Office of Policies against Marine Plastic Pollution, Ministry of the Environment, Japan (15mins)
- Ana Maria Kumarasamy, United Nations Environment Programme (15mins)
- Mushtaq Memon, Regional Coordinator for Chemicals and Pollution Action Subprogramme, UNEP (TBC)

(III) Discussions& Feedback from Participants (40 mins)

Guiding Questions

Expanding monitoring data:
Q1_What role do you expect the government to play in expanding monitoring of plastic pollution?
Q2_What kind of mechanisms would be beneficial to expand the number of people conducting monitoring (including researchers and, in the case of citizen science, citizens as well)?

Barriers to conducting surveys and monitoring
Q3_What are the obstacles to implementing surveys and monitoring?
Q4_ What kinds of support from international organizations are required to overcome these obstacles?

Moderator: Mushtaq Memon, Regional Coordinator for Chemicals and Pollution Action Subprogramme, UNEP
Wrap-up Session of Day 1 • Mushtaq Memon, Regional Coordinator for Chemicals and Pollution Action Subprogramme, UNEP
Reception -

06 Mar 2025

Time & Place
Event Details
Registration -
Session 5: Plastic Management in Pacific Countries • Collaborating entities - Environmental Quality Protection Board (EQPB) Palau

• Sharing the key aspects of monitoring plastic leakage at various stages of the plastic value chain in Pacific countries and their implications for effective plastic management strategies.
• Exploring opportunities for enhanced regional and international collaboration to address identified challenges and leverage best practices for sustainable plastic management.

Agenda Items (TBC)

(I) Introduction (3 mins)
Hiroko Matsuo, Project Management Officer, UNEP

(II) Presentation (20 mins)
Jessica Shizuko Emesiochel, Coordinator Division of Solid Waste Management, Bureau of Public Works, Ministry of Public Infrastructure and IndustriesI, Palau

(III) Presentation (20 mins) (TBC)

(IV) Panel discussions (20 mins) (TBC)
- Jessica Shizuko Emesiochel, Coordinator Division of Solid Waste Management, Bureau of Public Works, Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Industries, Palau
- Mele Mafileo Huiuha Masi, Deputy Director, Department of Environment, Tonga

Moderator: Hiroko Matsuo, Project Management Officer, UNEP
Coffee Break -
Session 6: Monitoring Plastic Leakage and Plastic Management by National and Local Governments in Thailand • Collaborating entity - Mahidol Universality

• Sharing the results of capacity development efforts in monitoring plastic leakage at various stages of the plastic value chain in Thailand, along with their implications for effective plastic management strategies, with a focus on project activities and local government involvement.
• Presenting potential projects and intervention opportunities developed under the Mekong Pacific Plastic Project.
• Exploring future collaborations by presenting project proposals that reflect insights from multi-stakeholder discussions.

Agenda Items (TBC)
Moderator: Chettiyappan Visvanathan, Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University

(I) Presentation (20 mins)
Komsilp Wangyao, Associate Professor, the Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand

(II) Discussion (55 mins)
Speakers (TBC)
- Kazuta Sekiyama, Chief Executive Officer, GOMI Solutions Co., Ltd.
- Makoto Tsukiji, JICA Expert in DMCR
- Premakumara Jagath Dickella Gamaralalage, Principal Researcher/ Director, IGES-CCET
- Amnat Phetlert, Deputy Mayor, Buriram Municipality
- Sanchai Maspoonphon, Director of the Sanitation Engineering Division, Buriram Municipality
- Suphansa Jirapanoosorn, Senior Expert in Public Health, Buriram Municipality

Discussion points
- Scaling Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) for Municipal Waste
- Policy and Regulatory Support for Dumped Waste Management
- Innovative Approaches for Plastic Waste Recovery
- Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Strategies
- Public-Private Partnerships in Municipal Waste Projects
- Capacity Building and Community Engagement
Lunch -
Session 7: Monitoring Plastic Leakage and Plastic Management by National and Local Governments in Vietnam and Cambodia • Collaborating entities
Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment in Vietnam (ISPONRE)
Ministry of Environment in Cambodia

• Sharing key aspects of monitoring plastic leakage at various stages of the plastic value chain in Vietnam and Cambodia and their implications for effective plastic management strategies, with a focus on project activities and local government initiatives
• Exploring future collaborations by presenting potential project proposals that reflect multi-stakeholder discussions.

• Ngoc Kim, Head, Division of Science and International Cooperation, Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (ISPONRE), Vietnam (20 mins)
• Dek Vimean Pheakdey, Deputy Director of Solid Waste Management Department, Ministry of Environment, Cambodia (20 mins)

Discussions (35 mins)
- Ngoc Kim, Head, Division of Science and International Cooperation, Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (ISPONRE), Vietnam
- Roath Sith, Deputy Director General of the General Directorate of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Environment
- Chettiyappan Visvanathan, Professor, Mahidol University
- Cathlehra Harris, Solid Waste Officer, Department of Environment Management and Agriculture, Nauru (TBC)

Moderator: Mushtaq Memon, Regional Coordinator for Chemicals and Pollution Action Subprogramme, UNEP

Discussion points
- What types of doners are currently supporting plastic management initiatives, especially plastic related projects?
- What opportunities exist to strengthen policies or incentives to support plastic management projects? What challenges need to be addressed?
- How can implementing partners, governments, and donors collaborate more effectively to enhance the impact of plastic management projects and support their application to policy initiatives?
Session 8: Citizen’s Involvement and Awareness Raising in Plastic Pollution • Collaborating entities
Asian Institute of Technology
Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN)

• Highlighting the importance and impact of civil society engagement, including youth participation, based on their activities.
• Discussing opportunities and challenges in strengthening citizens' roles in mitigating plastic pollution, particularly in policymaking, and exploring future collaboration opportunities with multiple stakeholders.

• Yuko Nozue, Assistant Manager, Tokyo Environmental Public Service Corporation (15 mins)
• Asian Institute of Technology (20 mins +Q&A 5 mins)
- Kunanon Kongsomwach, CEO and Co-founder, Delifill
- Kamonchanok Klainok, Co-founder, Wastic
- Peerawit Janta, PhD Candidate, Environmental Engineering and Management, Asian Institute of Technology
- Misuzu Asari, Professor, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN) (20 mins +Q&A 5 mins)
Importance of citizen-based science using a case study or CSO’s involvement
- Anji Forestry Bureau (TBC) (10mins)
Replacing Plastic with Bamboo

Moderator: Hikaru Shirai, Technical Consultant, UNEP
Coffee Break -
Session 9: Monitoring Plastic Leakage and Plastic Management by National and Local Governments in Japan • Collaborating entities - Global Environment Centre Foundation (GEC)

• Sharing Japan’s successful case studies on plastic leakage monitoring and plastic management.
• Exploring collaboration opportunities with other countries at both national and local government levels.

Agenda Items (TBC)
(I) Introduction (3mins)
Hiroko Matsuo, Programme Management Officer, UNEP

(II) Presentations (30 mins)
Akiko Doi, Senior Programme Officer, GEC (15 mins)
- Circular Economy in Japan report under the SSFA
- Outputs based on JSP
Chika Kataoka, Deputy Manager for International Cooperation, Environmental Policy Div., Environment Bureau Osaka City (15 mins)
- City level activity (plastic management)

Discussion (15 mins)
Akiko Doi, Senior Programme Officer, GEC
Sandab Khim, Deputy Director of Green Economy Department, Ministry of Environment in Cambodia
Tekura Moeka'a, Environmental Policy and Planning Manager National Environment Service, Cook Island

Moderator: Hiroko Matsuo, Project Management Officer, UNEP
Closing -