• Overview

Thursday 12 December 2019,


Blue Zone, San Pedro de Atacama Hall, IFEMA

25th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties, Madrid, Spain

Increasing the efficiency by which our global economy uses resources is one of the most cost-effective and equitable ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and meeting climate commitments set out in the Paris Agreement. Policies to increase “resource efficiency” and for sustainable consumption and production offer major opportunities for sustaining economic prosperity, lowering carbon emissions and reducing other environmental impacts.

The International Resource Panel analysis and projections show that a 25% reduction in global resource extraction achieved with such measures can reduce resource use to 143 billion tonnes by 2060, compared to 190 billion tonnes based on current trends. This would hold GHG emissions at 4.8GT CO2e in the period 2015-2060, which avoids 90% of the increase currently projected in this period.  Global GDP would be 8 per cent higher, reaching 233 trillion USD by 2060, also with a more equal distribution of GDP per capita. As shown in an upcoming report of the IRP, more cumulative emission reduction could be achieved by implementation of additional material efficiency strategies.

With a 25% reduction in resource extraction as a basis to ensure future socioeconomic development, sectors that are particularly resource intensive are key entry points. Those of food and agriculture, and buildings and construction accounted for nearly 70% of the world’s total material footprint in 2015. Changing the way we produce and consume food or the way we construct buildings are game changers that can reduce material footprint and related emissions and thus significantly contribute to climate change mitigation.

The  potential for GHG emission reduction through the shift to sustainable consumption and production is generally under-estimated and overlooked. However. the revision of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in 2020 is a key moment to include resource efficiency measures in climate strategies and increase efforts for more effective and faster climate action.

Objectives of the Event

This event will demonstrate the contribution of increased resource efficiency to climate change mitigation and the importance of applying resource efficiency policies and strategies for climate change mitigation plans to achieve the Paris Agreement goals.  It will showcase the scientific evidence, as well as policies and actions taken to decrease the material footprint of the economy to acclelerate and scale up GHG emission reductions.   

Interventions from participants and a moderated panel discussion will deliver new insights on:

  1. The scientific evidence on the climate change mitigation potential of resource efficiency derived from the recent reports of the International Resource Panel. This will include global trends on material footprint and quantification of its contribution to GHG emissions, with specific examples from food and construction sectors.  
  2. Policies and Actions on sustainable consumption and production in resource intensive sectors of Agriculture, Food and Construction and their impacts on resource use and GHG emissions.  
  3. Partnerships and coherence for a strengthened implementation, including the key role of multi-stakeholder partnerships such as the One Planet network for accelerated climate action through sustainable consumption and production and resource efficiency.

Panellists represent governments and other partners in the One Planet network, an SDG 12  a multi-stakeholder implementation mechanism on sustainable consumption and production.

Key Speakers

  • H.E. Krista Mikkonen (Minister of Environment of Finland),
  • Inger Andersen (Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme),
  • Achim Steiner (Administrator, UNDP),
  • René Castro, Assistant Director-General, FAO),
  • Martin Frick (Director of Implementation, UNFCCC),
  • Izabella Teixeira (Co-Chair of the International Resource Panel),
  • Gonzalo Muñoz (Founder, TriCiclos, High-Level Climate Champion)
  • Mark Radka (Chief, Energy & Climate, UN Environment Programme)


For more information, please contact Charles Arden-Clarke, Head, One Planet network secretariat: charles.arden-clarke (at) un.org


Image credit: @DenisAgati-Unsplash