• Overview

Date: Friday, 11 Nov 2022 

Time: 13:15 – 14:45 local time (12:15 - 13:45 CET)

Room: Khufu (300 people)

Organised by: Costa Rica, Switzerland, UN Nutrition and UNEP in partnership with Chatham House, Life and Environment (L&E), and United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG)/ICLEI.

About the event:

Current diets are unsustainable and exacerbate global warming, while climate change threatens the equitable achievement of good nutrition. This event examines food, nutrition and climate change´s interlinked challenges and recommends key multi-stakeholder policy actions for reducing GHG through healthy and sustainable diets.


13:15-13:20 (5 min) - Welcome by Karla Mena Soto, Agriculture Negotiator for climate change , Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Costa Rica

13:20-13:25 (5 min) - Objectives and agenda by Stineke Oenema, Executive Secretary, UN Nutrition

13:25-13:40 (15 min) - Setting the Scene and Launch of the Think Piece “Environmental and nutrition interlinkages and the triple planetary crisis”

  • Key messages of the paper (10 min) by Martina Otto, Head, Climate and Clean Air Coalition, UNEP
  • Historical perspective (5 min) by Professor Tim Benton, Research Director, Emerging Risks; Director, Environment and Society Programme, Chatham House

13:40-14:10 (30 min)- Panel Discussion - Strategies and policy options for addressing the nutrition-environment/climate interlinkages-Country insights, including NDCs

  • Christine Zundel, Senior Policy Advisor, Federal Office for Agriculture, Switzerland (4 min)
  • Sisay Sinamo, Senior Program Manager, Seqota Declaration, Federal Program Delivery Unit, Ministry of Health, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (4 min)
  • Ms. Karla Mena Soto, Agriculture Negotiator for climate change , Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Costa Rica (4 min)
  • Hugo Salomão França, Multilateral Affairs and City Networks Coordinator, São Paulo, Brazil (4 min)

Q&A (15 min)

14:10-14:40 (30 min)- Moderated dialogue - Strategies and policy options for addressing the nutrition-environment/climate interlinkages- Other stakeholders insights

First speakers

  • Jean-Baptiste Buffet, Head of Policy and Advocacy, UCLG (3 min)
  • Dorit Adler, Head of the Steering Committee of the Israeli Forum for Sustainable Nutrition, L&E (3 min)

Q&A (20 min) with:

  • Peter Defranceschi. Head Global Food Program, ICLEI (2 min)
  • Michal Bitterman, Sustainability Expert, The Natural Step Israel, L&E (2 min)

14:40-14-45 (5 min) - Wrap up and closing remarks by Stineke Oenema, Executive Secretary, UN Nutrition