• Overview
  • Provisional Agenda

The High-level discussion "Celebrating 25 years of CBD and its aim to tackle the increasing global biodiversity crisis" will take place at Geneva's International Environment House on 2 March 2018.

The fourteenth Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity in 2018 in Egypt will further advance mainstreaming of biodiversity into key sectors such as agriculture and forestry and feed in its fifteenth meeting in 2020 in China, which is expected to update the Convention’s strategic plan. This would be done in the context of the 2050 Vision of the current Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 as well the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and other relevant international processes, and in the light of an assessment of progress in achieving the goals and Aichi Biodiversity Targets of the current plan as well as of future scenarios of change.

15:00 - Welcome

Jan DUSIK, UN Environment, Europe Office, Director a.i.

Video message on World Wildlife Day introduced by CITES

15:05 - Celebrating 25 years of CBD and its aim to tackle the increasing global biodiversity crisis


  • Janos PASZTOR, Executive Director, Carnegie Climate Geoengineering Governance Initiative (C2G2)

Keynote presentation

  • Cristiana Pașca PALMER, CBD Executive Secretary


  • David MORGAN, Chief, Governing Bodies and Meeting Services, CITES Secretariat
  • Cyriaque N. SENDASHONGA, Global Director, IUCN Policy and Programme Group
  • Maria RIVERA, Senior Regional Advisor for the Americas, Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
  • Hesiquio BENITEZ, General Director for International Affairs and Implementation National Commission for the
  • Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity of Mexico (CONABIO)
  • Norbert BAERLOCHER, Head Rio Conventions, International Affairs Division, Swiss Federal Office for the
  • Environment

Moderation: Janosz PASZTOR

16:00 - Questions & answers

16.25 - Closing remarks

16:30 - Vin d'honneur offered by the Swiss Confederation