• Overview
  • Programme
  • Recording
  • Related Material

The textile sector is woven into our daily lives. Globally, it provides products, employment, and generates $1.5 trillion in revenue annually. However, its impact on climate change, nature loss and pollution remains substantial. Every year, this sector emits 2-8% of the world’s greenhouse gases, uses the equivalent of 86 million Olympic-sized swimming pools of natural water resources, and is responsible for 9% of microplastic pollution in our oceans. The textile sector is also confronted with a social challenge: poor working conditions and uneven distribution of income throughout the value chain.

A systems change and an accelerated transition towards a sustainable textile value chain are becoming increasingly necessary. Discussions at multilateral fora, including the United Nations Environment Assembly, bolster the importance of circular economy and just transition in such high-impact sectors as textiles.

In this context, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Belgian Presidency will jointly host the high-level event “Threads of Change: Systemic Transformation of the Textile Sector”. 

This event will offer a unique opportunity to reflect on:

  • Global textile sector priorities and needs that policies can help address, contributing to just transition and international processes  
  • Global policy solutions to leverage the textile sector to contribute to climate, nature and zero pollution goals and sustainable resource management

It will prompt pivotal inquiries concerning material consumption, microplastics, and circularity in the context of the UNEA resolutions and EU policy discussions on corporate due diligence and other relevant issues.

The conference will be held in English (no translation will be provided).

The event will be webstreamed here 

Image of coloured threads woven in a circle with title, date and location of the event and save the date indicated


More information on the subject:

UNEP’s report ‘Sustainability and Circularity in the Textile Value Chain: A Global Roadmap’

The EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles   


Policymakers, industry representatives, industry associations, civil society, youth and academia will assemble in Brussels this week to reflect on how to shift the textile sector towards sustainability and circularity.  

At this event co-hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU), participants will hear perspectives from across the textile value chain on the systemic changes required to tackle the environmental footprint of the sector.  

9:30 Setting the Scene

Inger ANDERSEN, Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme (video message)

Minister Zakia KHATTABI, Belgian Federal Minister of Climate, the Environment, Sustainable Development and Green Deal (video message)


Opening Remarks

Veronika HUNT ŠAFRÁNKOVÁ, Head of UNEP Brussels Office


Panel Discussion



Patrizia HEIDEGGER, Deputy Secretary General, Director for EU Governance, Sustainability and Global Policies, European Environment Bureau


Speakers (alphabetically)

Jana HRČKOVÁ, EU Policy and Public Affairs Manager, Decathlon

Pankaj PHUKAN, First Secretary (Commerce), Embassy of India

Carsten SORENSEN, Deputy Head of Unit – Trade and Private Sector, Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA), European Commission

John WANTE, Member of the Cabinet of the Belgian Federal Minister of Climate, the Environment, Sustainable Development and Green Deal



Emmanuelle MAIRE, Head of Unit, Circular Economy, Sustainable Production and Consumption, Directorate-General for Environment, European Commission


11:30-13:00  Youth Forum on Sustainable Fashion Consumption

This session will discuss systems change within fashion, looking at the policy solutions to shifting the narrative and increasing circular business models, so that they contribute to climate, nature and zero pollution goals and sustainable resource management. It will focus on youth as a key stakeholder group for both their power as consumers, and in demanding change and redefining social values.

Virginijus SINKEVIČIUS, European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries (video message)


Opening Remarks

Janyl Moldalieva, Senior Policy Officer, UNEP Brussels



Sevim ATKAS, EU Sustainability influencer, Directorate-General for Climate Action (DG CLIMA), European Commission

Speakers (alphabetically)

Kiki BOREEL, Dutch Climate Ambassador for the Future

Jana HOŠKOVÁ, Deputy Head of Unit, Directorate-General Justice and Consumers (DG JUST), European Commission

Bert KEIRSBLICK, Professor of Law, KU Leuven

Romane MALYSZA, Public Affairs Strategist, Textile Exchange

Quinten SCHAAP, Founding Director, Bakermat


Closing Remarks

Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU


13:00 -14:00 Light Lunch

Exhibition by students from British School of Brussels

A systems change and an accelerated transition towards a sustainable textile value chain are becoming increasingly necessary. Discussions at multilateral fora, including the United Nations Environment Assembly, bolster the importance of circular economy and just transition in such high-impact sectors as textiles.

This event was an opportunity to reflect on 1) Global textile sector priorities and needs that policies can help address, contributing to just transition and international processes and 2) Global policy solutions to leverage the textile sector to contribute to climate, nature and zero pollution goals and sustainable resource management.

It started with a high level opening and panel discussion that aims to inform the development of policy recommendations, followed by a Youth Forum on Sustainable Fashion Consumption. 

Watch the recording here.


Links to related outcome material:

Threads of change: Perspectives on a systemic transformation in the textile sector, 30 May 2024, UNEP Story about the event

Textile industry: how can we make it more sustainable? 21 May 2024, Article by the UN Regional Information Centre for Western Europe about the event

Threads of Change: Systemic Transformation of the Textile Sector, 17 May 2024, Press release of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU