When: 7 November, 17:00 – 18:30 GMT +2
Where: VVIP area of the Blue Zone, Meeting Room 24
Moderator: Ibrahim Thiaw, Executive Secretary of the UNCCD
- Ms. Mami Mizutori, Head of UNDRR
- Ms. Inger Anderson, Executive Director of UNEP
What: The International Drought Resilience Alliance (IDRA) is a collaborative platform that aims to catalyze political momentum and action that supports countries, cities, and communities. It aims to go beyond disaster response to reduce country and community vulnerability to the impacts of drought by mainstreaming preparedness and adaptation measures. The Alliance will significantly contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals, which call for multilateral action to address interconnected challenges. The IDRA will promote a paradigm shift in the way drought is managed – pivoting from a reactive and crisis-based approach towards a proactive and risk-based one. The IDRA seeks:
1. To generate political momentum to make drought resilience a priority to be mainstreamed in national development and cooperation policies
2. To catalyze the consolidation of regional initiatives (programs) that facilitate action, innovation, technology, and traditional knowledge transfer, and resource mobilization for drought resilience at different levels
3. To promote full engagement of stakeholders, including the private sector, for increasing drought resilience
4. To facilitate knowledge sharing and networking with other alliances and platforms to increase synergistic impacts of those working to enhance drought resilience.