Title: NDCs 3.0 Regional Forum for Middle East and North Africa
Date: 23-25 September 2024
Location: Tunis, Tunisia
The Emissions Gap Report 2023 warns that current pledges under the Paris Agreement could lead to a 2.5-2.9°C temperature rise above pre-industrial levels, highlighting the urgent need for increased climate action.
Parties must enhance ambition and inform their next cycle of NDCs (NDCs 3.0) by 2025 to align with the Paris Agreement's goals. These NDCs will be crucial for global efforts, serving as blueprints for a sustainable future and must be transparent, implementable, and capable of unlocking finance.
Informed by the first GST, new NDCs should drive transformational implementation, enhance resilience, and integrate with national planning and development strategies. They should include concrete policy roadmaps and financing plans to address climate change while seizing growth opportunities across sectors.
As countries in the Middle East and North Africa prepare for the next round of NDCs, there's a unique opportunity to elevate climate strategies toward higher ambition, leveraging lessons from previous implementation efforts. The rapid development of renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency solutions, and climate-resilient infrastructure provides MENA countries with new tools to meet their climate goals more effectively and affordably. Additionally, many MENA countries, traditionally dependent on oil and gas revenues, are increasingly recognizing the economic benefits of diversifying their economies. Investing in green technologies and sustainable industries can create jobs, stimulate economic growth, and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Thus, the new cycle of NDCs with the whole of society approach and economy wide targets will be a window of opportunity.
This Forum will explore how COP28 outcomes, particularly the GST decision, can guide national processes to enhance ambition in future NDCs and contribute to sustainable development. Through peer learning, countries will discuss best practices and opportunities, accelerating solutions and innovative financing models. Tools and guidance will support including specific measures and targets in NDC reviews.
Host Country
Ministry of Environment of Tunisia
UNEP, UNDP, the NDC Partnership, and the UN ESCWA in collaboration with the UNFCCC Secretariat (UN Climate Change), are organizing NDCs 3.0 Regional Fora.
UNEP-convened Climate and Clean Air Coalition, UN Food Systems Coordination Hub
Further resources
Agenda - Concept Note
Press Release - Regional fora aim to increase country ambition ahead of next round of climate plans
Dates - Regional Fora
Giorgia Patarnello - giorgia.patarnello@un.org
Jihan El Osta - jihan.elosta@un.org