• Overview

Date: 16 November 2022; 13:00 – 14:45. GMT +2

Location: Room Hatshepsut/hybrid

Streaming link to come

What: The transition to a just, inclusive environment in urban and local government areas must put community needs at the forefront. This session will discuss co-benefits, using examples of local climate actions, that build resilience and share ideas for strengthening policy frameworks that unlock climate finance at the local level.

Discussions on climate justice in cities are often framed around what is lacking in services or resources. This session will flip the script and showcase examples of community resilience and how policymakers and UN partners can work successfully together and with communities to scale up local climate action. 

Focus area 1: How can we achieve climate parity between adaptation and mitigation?

Focus area 2: How can we scale up community resilience? 

Focus area 3: How can we unlock climate finance for the most vulnerable communities?