• Overview
  • Pre-Session Documents

Time:  16:00 – 18:00 (GMT+3)

VENUE: Online

Chaired by: H.E. Ms Gudi Alkemade, Chair of the ad hoc Open-ended Working Group science-policy on a science policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and the prevention of pollution

Provisional Agenda:  Uploaded on 13 April 2023

Meeting Summary: Uploaded on 6 June 2023

For more information, please visit the OEWG website or contact the Secretariat at spp-cwp[at]un.org

Agenda item 1: Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda

Provisional Agenda:  Uploaded on 13 April 2023

Agenda item 2: Summary of the bureau meeting on 27 February 2023

Summary of the bureau meeting  Uploaded on 13 April 2023

Agenda Item 3:  Preparations for OEWG-2.

a) Date and venue OEWG-2

Date and venue OEWG-2  Uploaded on 13 April 2023

b) Roadmap for OEWG-2 and OEWG-3. 

Roadmap for OEWG-2 and OEWG-3.  Uploaded on 13 April 2023

Presentation: Roadmap towards OEWG2 Uploaded on 24 April 2023

c) Organization of work for OEWG-2.

Organization of work for OEWG-2  Uploaded on 13 April 2023

Background document: Organization of work of the ad hoc open-ended working group

Discussion Paper from the Chair: Organization of work of the ad hoc open-ended working group

Agenda Item 4: Engagement of civil society and academia in the OEWG meetings and process

Engagement of civil society and academia in the OEWG meetings and process   Uploaded on 13 April 2023

Agenda Item 5:  Engagement with World Health Organization

Engagement with World Health Organization  Uploaded on 13 April 2023

Agenda Item 6:  Draft terms of reference for the OEWG Technical Advisory Group

Agenda Item 7: Organization of work

For more information, please visit the OEWG website or contact the Secretariat at spp-cwp[at]un.org