• Overview
  • Pre-session Documents
  • Post-session Documents

Time:  16:00 – 18:00 (GMT+3)

VENUE: Online

Chaired by: H.E. Ms Gudi Alkemade, Chair of the ad hoc Open-ended Working Group on a science policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and the prevention of pollution

Provisional Agenda:  Uploaded on 14 June 2023

Meeting Summary Uploaded 6 July 2023

Agenda item 1: Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda

Provisional Agenda:  Uploaded on 14 June 2023

Agenda item 2: Summary of the bureau meeting on 16 May 2023

Summary of the bureau meeting  Uploaded on 24th May 2023

Agenda item 3: Organization of intersessional work leading up to OEWG 2

OEWG 2/3 Skeleton outline Uploaded 16th June 2023

OEWG 2/4 Scope, objective, functions, and operating principles Annotated outline Uploaded 16th June 2023

OEWG 2/5 Institutional Arrangements and Rules of Procedure for Sessions of the Plenary Annotated Outline Uploaded 16th June 2023 

OEWG 2/6 Relationship with relevant key stakeholders Annotated Outline Uploaded 16th June 2023

OEWG 2/7 Overview of work-related processes and procedures Annotated Outline Uploaded 16th June 2023

Agenda item 4: Indicative budget for 2023

SPP OEWG Budget and expenditures Uploaded 16th June 2023

Agenda item 5: Engagement of stakeholders in the OEWG meetings and process

SPP MGS Modalities Uploaded 20th June 2023

Agenda item 6: Organization of work


Agenda item 7: Other Matters


Agenda item 8: Closing of the meeting

Meeting Summary Uploaded 6 July 2023