• Overview
  • Schedule

The current linear model of the textiles and clothing sector puts significant pressure on natural resources and ecosystems across the life cycle of products. The transition to a more circular textiles sector requires a shift towards safe, recycled, or renewable inputs, with a significant reduction in the use of virgin non-renewable materials, which pose the threat of releasing hazardous substances or plastic microfibres into the environment.

As a contribution to this discussion, The UN Environment Programme, the Forum on Trade, Environment, and SDGs (TESS), and TESS convened a roundtable conference on trade and the circular economy in the textiles and clothing sector.

The roundtable conference will be held on 24 March in Geneva. Trade delegates from both developed and developing countries, alongside leading experts from think tanks, research centres, stakeholder organizations, and international organizations, will gather to exchange perspectives. Representatives of different roles in the textile trade will spur the initial discussions, which will be followed by an open dialogue among delegates and invited experts.

Who's speaking
  • Arpit Bhutani
    Co-Founder, Circular Innovation Lab
  • Carolyn Deere Birkbeck
    Director of Forum on Trade, Environment and the SDGs (TESS)
  • Colette van der Ven
    Founder & Director, TULIP Consulting
  • Elisa Tonda
    Chief, Resources and Markets Branch of UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
  • Elisabeth Tuerk
    Director, Economic Cooperation and Trade Division of UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
  • Henrique Pacini
    Economic Affairs Officer Office, International Trade and Commodities of UN Conference on Trade and development (UNCTAD)
  • Jayasurya Kalakkal
    Environment and Trade Expert, Economic and Trade Policy of UN Environment Programme

24 Mar 2023

Time & Place
Event Details
Introduction and welcome remarks Opening the event with introductory comments.
Elisa Tonda Chief, Resources and Markets Branch of UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
Carolyn Deere Birkbeck Director of Forum on Trade, Environment and the SDGs (TESS)
Session 1: Setting the Scene Discussion starters will provide an overview of the Trade Trends and Environmental Challenges in the Textile Sector.
Henrique Pacini Economic Affairs Officer Office, International Trade and Commodities of UN Conference on Trade and development (UNCTAD)
Jayasurya Kalakkal Environment and Trade Expert, Economic and Trade Policy of UN Environment Programme
Open discussion among delegations Reflections from representatives from the World Trade Organization (WTO) delegation
Session 2: Discussion will be on the emerging Trade-Related Initiatives Relevant to Circularity in Textiles
Arpit Bhutani Co-Founder, Circular Innovation Lab
Elisabeth Tuerk Director, Economic Cooperation and Trade Division of UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
Colette van der Ven Founder & Director, TULIP Consulting
Open discussion among delegations Reflections from representatives from the World Trade Organisation (WTO) delegations