• Overview
  • Pre-session Documents

Time:  13:00 – 15:00 (GMT+3)

VENUE: GAO Boardroom and Online

Chaired by: H.E. Ms Gudi Alkemade, Chair of the ad hoc Open-ended Working Group on a science policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and the prevention of pollution.

For more information, please visit the OEWG website or contact the Secretariat at spp-cwp[at]un.org

Meeting slides uploaded 14 November 2023

Meeting summary uploaded 24 November 2023

Agenda item 1: Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda.

Provisional Agenda Uploaded 26 October 2023. 

Agenda item 2: Summary of the Bureau meeting on 3 October 2023.

Summary of the Bureau meeting Uploaded 26 October 2023. 

Agenda item 3: Organization of intersessional work leading up to OEWG 2. 


Agenda item 4: Organization of work during OEWG2.


Agenda item 5: Outcomes of the OEWG process.

Options for the development of OEWG decisions/ resolutions

Agenda item 6: Potential briefings and consultations on 9 and 10 December 2023.

Proposal for informal consultations on 9 December 2023

Agenda item 7: Budget and Resource Mobilization.


Agenda item 8: Engagement of stakeholders in the OEWG meetings and process.


Agenda item 9: Organization of work.


Agenda item 10: Other Matters.


Agenda item 11: Closing of the meeting.