• Overview
  • Past Sessions
  • Outcome Documents
  • Reference Documents
  • Working Documents

The Seventeenth Regular Session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) will take place from 11 to 15 November 2019 at the Olive Convention Centre in Durban, South Africa. The Conference will be held under the theme "Taking action for Environmental Sustainability and Prosperity in Africa".


The focus of the seventeenth session of AMCEN is the need for African countries to take practical action, including implementation of policies, relevant regional and global frameworks, in order for the continent to attain environmental sustainability and prosperity and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Africa’s Agenda 2063. The session will therefore be held under the following theme: "Taking Action for Environmental Sustainability and Prosperity in Africa". The theme builds on the focus of the seventh special and sixteenth regular sessions of AMCEN on turning environmental policies into action, as well as the need to invest in Innovative Environmental Solutions for accelerating implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2063.

Expected Outcomes:

It is hoped that the 17th session of AMCEN will inspire and mobilise actions that lead to a greater accounting of the progress made so far and the gaps that remain. A robust monitoring system would help spot shortcomings and ensure that the decisions made at AMCEN are properly implemented. While pockets of success exist across the continent, there is an urgent need to account for progress made. Member States are also being urged to formally communicate their plan on how they intend to clear the arrears and sustain their contributions to the AMCEN Trust Fund, which is one of the mechanisms available for kick-starting financing for the implementation of the body’s decisions. It is also hoped that ministers will support a call for the creation of a cross-sectoral taskforce in each country to ensure that environmental policies are harmonised across government departments.

For more information, please contact:

Mohamed Atani, Head of Communication and Outreach

E-mail: mohamed.atani[at]un.org 

Tel:  +254 (0) 727 531253


David Ombisi: AMCEN Secretariat

E-mail: david.ombisi[at]un.org 

Tel: +254 (0)20 762 4221


Please click here for the list of recommended hotels. Kindly ensure you have booked your accommodation at the earliest opportunity.

Visa information:

Please click here for important information on visas, immigration and customs.

Download Visa Application Form (Form BI-0084)

Outcomes of  Ordinary Sessions of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment:

16th. Session

15th. Session

14th. Session

13th. Session

12th. Session Declaration Decisions

11th. Session

10th. Session

9th. Session

8th. Session

7th. Session

6th. Session

5th. Session

3rd. Session

2nd. Session

1st. Session

Outcomes of Special Sessions of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment:

Seventh Special Session

Sixth Special Session

Fifth Special Session

Third Special Session

AMCEN/17/REF/1: Briefing note on UNEA 4 and UNEA 5 for relevant regional ministerial or expert meetings

AMCEN/17/REF/1: Note d'information sur l’UNEA-4 et l’UNEA-5 à l'attention des réunions ministérielles ou d'experts pertinentes dans la région

AMCEN/17/REF/2: Brief Note from AMCOMET to AMCEN 

AMCEN/17/REF/2: Bréve Note de AMCOMET à AMCEN

AMCEN/17/REF/3: The Maputo Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources: Conference of Heads of State and Government of the African Union - Note

AMCEN/17/REF/3: La Convention de Maputo sur la Conservation de la Nature et des Ressources Naturelles: Conférence des Chefs d’Etats et de Gouvernements de l’Union Africaine - Note

AMCEN/17/REF/5: Preparations for the third meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Bamako Convention on the Ban of the Import into Africa and the Control of Transboundary Movement and Management of Hazardous Wastes within Africa

AMCEN/17/REF/5: Préparatifs de la troisième réunion de la Conférence des Parties à la Convention de Bamako sur l'interdiction d'importer en Afrique des déchets dangereux et sur le contrôle des mouvements transfrontières et la gestion des déchets dangereux produits en Afrique

AMCEN/SS.VII/2: Report of the ministerial meeting

AMCEN/SS.VII/2: Rapport du Segment ministériel

AMCEN/16/8: Report of the ministerial segment

AMCEN/16/8: Rapport du segment ministériel

UNEP/BC/COP.2/11: Report of the Conference of the Parties to the Bamako Convention on the Ban of the Import into Africa and the Control of Transboundary Movement and Management of Hazardous Wastes within Africa on the work of its second meeting

UNEP/BC/COP.2/11: Rapport de la Conférence des Parties à la Convention de Bamako sur l’interdiction d’importer en Afrique des déchets dangereux et sur le contrôle des mouvements transfrontières et la gestion des déchets dangereux produits en Afrique sur les travaux de sa deuxième réunion

Africa's Blue Economy: A policy handbook

Report of the Africa Environment Partnership Platform on the work of its first meeting

Rapport de la Plateforme africaine de partenariats sur l’environnement sur les travaux de sa première réunion

About AMCEN (AMCEN Q and A)

AMCEN/17/INF/1: Information note on the seventeenth session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment

AMCEN/17/1/INF/1: Note d’information concernant la dix-septième session de la Conférence ministérielle africaine sur l’environnement

AMCEN/17/INF/2: AMCEN Bureaus: 1985 - 2019

AMCEN/17/INF/2: Bureaux de la Conférence Ministérielle Africaine sur l’Environnement: 1985 – 2019

Side Events 

Programme of work for the ministerial segment, 15 November 2019

Programme de travail de la réunion ministérielle, 15 novembre 2019

AMCEN/17/1: Provisional agenda - Ministerial segment

AMCEN/17/1: Ordre du jour provisoire - Segment ministériel

AMCEN/17/1/Add.1: Annotated provisional agenda - Ministerial segment

AMCEN/17/1/Add.1: Ordre du jour provisoire annoté - Segment ministériel

AMCEN/17/EGM/1: Provisional agenda - Expert segment

AMCEN/17/EGM/1/Add.1: Annotated provisional agenda - Expert segment

AMCEN/17/EGM/1: Ordre du jour provisoire - Réunion du groupe d’experts

AMCEN/17/EGM/1/Add.1: Ordre du jour provisoire annoté - Réunion du groupe d’experts

AMCEN/17/L.1: Draft report of the ministerial segment

AMCEN/17/L.1: Projet de rapport du segment ministériel

AMCEN/17/EGM/L.1: Draft report of the expert group segment

AMCEN/17/EGM/L.1: Projet de rapport de la réunion du groupe d’experts

AMCEN/17/3: Action for Environmental Sustainability and Prosperity in Africa: Embracing Policy Delivery and Implementation Through the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment

AMCEN/17/3: Agir en faveur de la durabilité environnementale et de la prospérité en Afrique : soutenir l’exécution et la mise en œuvre des politiques dans le cadre de la Conférence ministérielle africaine sur l’environnement

AMCEN/17/4: Enhancing the circular economy in Africa

AMCEN/17/4: Mise en valeur de l'économie circulaire en Afrique

AMCEN/17/5: Biodiversity economy and natural capital accounting in Africa

AMCEN/17/5: Économie de la biodiversité et comptabilisation du capital naturel en Afrique

AMCEN/17/6: Advancing the sustainable blue (ocean-based) economy in Africa

CMAE/17/6: Promouvoir l’économie bleue / océanique en Afrique

AMCEN/17/7: Policy implications and financing opportunities for the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions in Africa: role of African policy makers

AMCEN/17/8: The general trust fund of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment

AMCEN/17/8: Le Fonds général d’affectation spéciale de la Conférence ministérielle africaine sur l’environnement  

AMCEN/17/EGM/3: Report of the secretariat for the period from July 2017 to October 2019

AMCEN/17/EGM/3: Rapport du secrétariat pour la période allant de juillet 2017 à octobre 2019

AMCEN/17/EGM/5: The post-2020 global biodiversity framework and the Pan-African Action Agenda on Ecosystem Restoration for Increased Resilience

AMCEN/17/EGM/5: Le cadre mondial de la biodiversité pour l’après-2020 et le Programme d’action panafricain sur la restauration des écosystèmes pour une résilience accrue

AMCEN/17/L.3:Draft decision 17/1: Taking action for the sustainability of environmental and natural resources in Africa

Décision globale AMCEN 17/1: Agir pour la viabilité à long terme de l’environnement et des ressources naturelles en Afrique

Durban Declaration on taking action for environmental sustainability and prosperity in Africa

Déclaration de Durban sur les mesures à prendre en vue de la préservation de l’environnement et de la prospérité en Afrique

AMCEN/17/EGM/L.4: Decision AMCEN 17/2 on climate change