• Overview

The recently launched UNEP report Making Peace with Nature highlights that climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution add up to three planetary crises caused by societies’ unsustainable consumption and productions that are closely interconnected and put the well-being of current and future generations at unacceptable risk. Moreover, women bear the uneven burden of environmental impact – the triple planetary crisis – whether as food producers, or those entrusted with securing water and fuel for the family.

Join us for a discussion on the gendered dimensions of the triple planetary crisis within the context of recovering from gender differentiated impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The discussions will particularly focus on the gender differentiated impacts and inequalities perpetuated by climate change; climate change and environmental degradation; impacts of pollution on human life and the environment.

Time: 10:00 to 12:00 EST (17:00 to 19:00 EAT). 

Join here: https://live.kudoway.eu/ad/220213709711

Meeting ID: 220213709711

For enquiries, contact Daphne Bukirwa or Janet Kabeberi-Macharia.
