Date: Thursday, 8th December 2022
Time: 13:15 EST
Location: Montreal, Canada
Format: In-person event
Side event to: UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15/COP-MOP10/COP-MOP4)
CBD Event Page:
Description: During this side event, high level speakers showcase how they are using spatial intelligence to achieve nature and climate goals. Spatial planning has the transformative potential to support countries to address the inextricably linked nature and climate crises, as recognised by Target 1 of the draft post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.
The nature and climate agendas come together through land-use decisions – crucially decisions on where and how to farm, but also on infrastructure, mining, urban development, and other forms of land conversion. Countries need spatial intelligence (i.e. access to, and capacity to use, spatial data on nature, carbon, infrastructure, etc.) to inform decision-making and to chart long-term strategies towards sustainable land use systems.
SPACES is an emerging coalition that mobilises spatial intelligence to support governments, businesses, finance institutions, funders and investors in achieving climate and nature goals. SPACES is coordinated by the UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) and Systemiq, working with UNDP, IIASA and IIS amongst other partners.