• Overview
  • Registration
  • Visa

The third meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group for the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management is scheduled to take place on 2-4 April 2019 in Montevideo, Uruguay.

All participants are strongly encouraged to pre-register up until Friday 15th March in order to accelerate the on-site registration and badge issuance at online registration platform.

Request for Side-Event and Exhibition space: Participants willing to organise a side-event and/or an exhibition space should submit a request form to the SAICM Secretariat by 10 February 2019.

Practical information for delegates regarding the venue and including VISA requirements and Hotel options can be found here


The meeting will be held at:

Antel Arena

Dámaso Antonio Larrañaga

S/N entre José P. Varela y José Serrato

Calle Lateral al Cilindro

12000 Montevideo, Uruguay


Allocation of meeting rooms will be announced upon arrival to the venue.

The official opening for OEWG3 will take place at 9.00 a.m. on Tuesday 2 April 2019. The formal sessions of the meeting are planned to be held daily from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.

For more information, please refer to the provisional annotated agenda, which will be made available on the Open-ended Working Group website.

Please follow SAICM on twitter @chemandwaste for updates on the event.

Related meetings

The following meetings will be held back-to-back with the OEWG-3, in Montevideo, Uruguay

31st March 2019 (at Hotel Radisson, Dir: Plaza Independencia 759):

  • CEE-Central Asia and GRULAC SAICM Regional Meeting

1st April 2019 (at Antel Arena):

  • Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management Regional Meetings (All regions)
  • Meeting of the International Conference on Chemicals Management Bureau
  • Technical briefing to OEWG-3 meeting participants


It is intended that this meeting will be a paper smart meeting. Please note that attendees are encouraged to download the meeting documents in advance from the Open-ended Working Group website or on arrival at the venue in Montevideo, Uruguay.

OEWG3 Mobile application

A mobile application was developed for OEWG3. You can access relevant information and receive live notifications throughout the meeting on your phone.

Download instructions:

    1 – Open the application store of your mobile (Google Play or Apple Store)

    2 – Search for “UN Environment Events”

    3 – Install the app

    4 – Open the newly installed UN Environment Events and open the event “OEWG3”

We encourage you to create a login in the OEWG3 application in order to interact with content and with other participants.

Exhibition at OEWG3

An exhibition, into relay relevant and timely information to the participants in support of the negotiation process, will be organized at OEWG3. Any Government or organization wishing to exhibit is invited to contact the SAICM secretariat before 10 February 2019 at saicm.chemicals@un.org.

This event intends to be paper smart and as green as possible. It is therefore promoted that exhibitors avoid distributing unnecessary paper and plastic and generate as little waste as possible.

Procedures for media accreditation and registration

Media participation at OEWG3 meetings is subject to accreditation by the SAICM secretariat. Journalists should pre-register with the secretariat, including submissions of accreditation form and necessary information. See annex A – International media accreditation process and form.

For more information please contact Mr. Jose de Mesa by e-mail: jose.demesa@un.org.

Official Opening for OEWG3

The official opening for OEWG3 will take place at 9.00 a.m. on Tuesday 2 April 2019. The formal sessions of the meeting are planned to be held daily from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. For more information, please refer to the provisional annotated agenda, which will be made available on the Open-ended Working Group website.

List of Participants

A list of participants that have attended the meeting will be prepared by the secretariat and made available on the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals negotiations website after the closing of the meeting. Delegates are reminded that the list of participants is based on the information provided by them at the time of registration and that inclusion in the list of participants is conditional upon official registration.

Interpretation services

Interpretation services and working documents for the plenary session will be provided in the six official languages of the United Nations: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. Additional information documents may be available in English only.

Interpretation devices will be distributed at the entrance of the plenary room, against the presentation of a valid identification document that will be handed back to the participant upon safe return of the device.

Greening of the meeting

To the extent possible, the meeting will be organized to avoid or reduce environmental impacts resulting from the meeting.

As mentioned in section 9 (Documents), OEWG3 will be a paper smart meeting. Please also note that textile bags will NOT be distributed at the venue. Participants are expected to use their own preferred bag to bring minimum documents.

To facilitate efficient waste recycling, separate bins will be placed around the venue for waste collection, and ultimately, all waste from the meeting will be separated and recycled wherever possible in accordance with the city of Montevideo’s recyclable resources regulations and procedures.


Invitations to Governments, dated 04 December 2018, and to intergovernmental organizations and accredited non-governmental organizations were sent out together with the registration form for the meeting.

A registration form and an official nomination for Government representatives, through the official contact point, should be submitted for all delegates in advance of the meeting.

The registration form can be found on the UNOG website: https://reg.unog.ch/event/27045/overview

All participants are strongly encouraged to pre-register up until Friday 15th March in order to accelerate the on-site registration and badge issuance.

Questions regarding registration should be directed to saicm.chemicals@un.org or jose.demesa@un.org.

On-site registration

Access to the meeting venue is subject to the presentation of a valid conference badge. Conference badges will be issued at the entrance of the venue, upon presentation of the UN EVENT PASS resulting from the online pre-registration and a valid passport or identification card with a photograph. Registration will start on Sunday 31 March 2019. The registration counter will have the following opening hours:  

  • Sunday 31 March 2019: 2 p.m. until 6 p.m.
  • Monday 1 April to Thursday 4 April 2019: 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. (Registration counter may close earlier on later days)

Participants are strongly recommended to register and receive their badges on 31 March or 1 April to avoid the congestion before the meeting starts on Tuesday 2 April 2019.

For security reasons, the display of conference badges is mandatory at all times to gain access to the meeting venue and meeting rooms. Any loss of a conference badge should be reported immediately to the registration counter.

All visitors to Uruguay must have a valid Passport (at least for six months after date of departure) and in good condition. Participants attending conferences or workshops may require an entry visa. To know whether you need to obtain a visa to enter Uruguay, please visit the National Direction of Migrations website.

Participants are also recommended to check if they require a transit visa. The Government of Uruguay is not responsible for the procedures and validity of transit visas.

Travelers with passports who need visa shall contact the nearest Consulate Office of Uruguay (see the Map of the Consular offices of Uruguay in the world).

The requirements to obtain a visa of Uruguay are the following:

  • Filled in and signed visa application form (provided by the Consular office).
  • Invitation letter to the event
  • Valid Passport (at least for six months after date of departure) in good condition.
  • 1 passport size picture.
  • Travel reservation.
  • Cost: USD 42. - It is charged only if the visa is granted.

The authorization of the visa is granted by the National Direction of Migrations, and usually takes at least 20 working days from the moment of the request. Once the Consulate receives written authorization, it is in a position to issue the visa, stamping it on the passport holder.

Uruguay does not grant a visa upon arrival. In exceptional cases, if the procedure started at a Consulate of Uruguay, the participant could end it at any another Consulate Office of Uruguay in the world.

In order to assist participants in obtaining an entry without visa permission, for those countries where the Uruguayan Embassy or Consulate is not available (without exception), please send the copy of your passport (at least for six months after date of departure) and in good condition and a personalized invitation letter to the Focal Point of the Ministry of Housing, Land Planning and Environment in Uruguay (MVOTMA) to the following email address: oewg3@mvotma.gub.uy no later than 1st March 2018, asking for the possibility of issuance an entry without visa permission. You should state your country of residence and mention to MVOTMA that there is no Uruguayan Embassy or Consulate in your country. These two documents must be presented when doing the check-in at the airport.