• Overview
  • Schedule
  • Documents

The Oceans Forum is a unique global platform to take stock, exchange experiences and present options for the implementation of trade-related targets of SDG 14 (Targets 4, 6, 7 and b) through the involvement of leading United Nations Agencies, regional bodies, government institutions and civil society organizations. With a different focus topic each year, this year’s forum will zoom in on the oceans economy, climate, and fisheries subsidies. The Forum will provide state of the art analysis, share country experiences and identify public and private best practices in key sectors such as transport, fisheries, and tourism with the aim to propose specific actions and support policy integration to meet the trade-related targets of SDG 14. For instance, disciplining fish and related fuel subsidies as well as a sound tax policy reform can support mitigation efforts and create incentives for carbon-neutral technologies as a step towards enhancing NDCs of SIDS and implementation of the Paris Agreement.

Ahead of the 2020 WTO Ministerial Conference, as well as the deadline for several SDG 14 targets,  the third Forum will provide an opportunity to take stock of current developments in the final phase of WTO fish subsidies negotiations, and potential approaches on prohibitions, harmful effects and cap-based systems as well as complementary options.

For more details about the event please see: ttps://unctad.org/en/pages/MeetingDetails.aspx?meetingid=2093 Event partners: 

The event is co-organised by UNCTAD, FAO, UNECE, Commonwealth, ACP Group, IOI






10 Sep 2019

Time & Place
Event Details
Third Oceans Forum: Oceans economy, climate and harmful fish subsidies Oceans economy and climate change action
Ms. Isabelle Durant Welcome remarks
Deputy Secretary-General of UNCTAD

H.E. Mr. Rui Macieira Moderator and Chair
Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Portugal to the United Nations Office

Rt. Hon. Patricia Scotland QC Secretary-General, The Commonwealth
Keynotes: Oceans diplomacy, the Paris Agreement, collective responsibility
H.E. Ms. Dame Meg Taylor Secretary-General of the Pacific Islands Forum and Pacific
Ocean Commissioner
Keynotes: Oceans diplomacy, the Paris Agreement, collective responsibility
Ms. Vera Agostini Deputy Director, Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy and Resources
Division, FAO
Speaker: Impacts of climate change on fisheries and adaptation options
Mr. Steven Stone Chief, Resources and Markets Branch, UN Environment
Speaker: Can the oceans economy be a mitigation tool of the Paris Agreement?
Side event: The role of International Oceans Institute (IOI) in achieving SDG 13 and SDG 14. Organized by IOI, UNCTAD and the Shenzhen World Health Foundation (SWHF)
Mr. Awni Behnam Moderator
Honorary President, IOI; former United Nations Assistant SecretaryGeneral

Ms. Antonella Vassallo Speaker
Managing Director, IOI
H.E. Ms. Simone Borg Speaker
Ambassador of Malta for Climate Change
Mr. Kevin Hu Speaker
Shenzhen World Health Foundation (SWHF)
Ms. Cristina Costa Speaker
IOI Alumnus Malta 2010, Portugal
Mr. Peter Leder Speaker
Treasurer, IOI Governing Board
Third Oceans Forum: Taking stock of final phase of fish subsidies negotiations Toward a comprehensive WTO agreement on fish subsidies
Mr. Thomas Haidon Deputy Permanent Representative of New Zealand to the WTO
Speaker: How to make a future and comprehensive agreement on fish subsidies effective?
Mr. Daniel Voces Managing Director, Europêche
Speaker: The role of civil society and Pew’s research on fish subsidies and sustainability