• Overview

When? 31st May 2023 at 10:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. EEST

What? World Circular Economy Forum 2023, side-session Wardrobe of the future: how to change the textiles and fashion industry.

Register here: https://www.lyyti.fi/reg/World_Circular_Economy_Forum_2023_Online_Event_5407 (open to everyone)

Background: UNEP will be launching its new report, Sustainability and Circularity in the Textile Value Chain. A Global Roadmap, at the World Circular Economy Forum 2023. The launch will be part of the session Wardrobe of the future: how to change the textiles and fashion industry. The event will pinpoint where the biggest impact can be made on the textiles and fashion ecosystem and touch upon policy issues, state-of-the-art research and interesting case studies. In addition, young designers will also share their sustainability messages with the influential WCEF crowd.

About the UNEP roadmap: UNEP’s new report ‘Sustainability and Circularity in the Textile Value Chain: A Global Roadmap’ sets out what each stakeholder group can do individually and collectively to reach the shared destination of a circular textile sector. To do so, the report identifies the three core changes that must happen: 1) a shift in consumption patterns and business models to make more circular textiles available, desirable, and accessible; 2) an improvement of practices when it comes to production processes, product design and care, and a just transition; and 3) a significant investment in infrastructure such as renewable energy and technology to remove pollutants such as microfibres and hazardous chemicals. These three priorities depend on each other and will require significant work. Therefore, the Roadmap breaks this work down into 9 building blocks that each stakeholder can focus on, with priority actions for each stakeholder group.



More information here: https://wcef2023.com/sessions/wardrobe-of-the-future-how-to-change-the-textiles-and-fashion-industr…