• Overview
  • Pre-Session Documents
  • Written inputs from Member States and stakeholders
  • Post-Meeting Resources

Time:  14:00 – 17:00



Chaired by: H.E. Mr. Fernando Estellita Lins de Salvo Coimbra, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Brazil

Annotated Provisional Agenda  Uploaded on 7 April 2021

Speech of the Executive Director at the 154th Meeting of the CPR 

Meeting summaries of the 154 CPR meeting 20 May 2021   Uploaded on 07 June 2021

Agenda Item 1: Opening of the meeting by the Chair of the Committee of Permanent Representatives.

Revised list of new arrivals and departures of Members of the Committee of Permanent Representative   Uploaded on 10 May 2021

Agenda Item 2: Adoption of the provisional agenda of the 154thmeetingof the Committee of Permanent Representatives.

Annotated Provisional Agenda  Uploaded on 7 April 2021

Agenda Item 3: Report by the Executive Director.

Executive Director's Quarterly Report to the CPR  Uploaded on 11 May 2021

Agenda Item 4: Consideration of the cycle of term of office of the Bureau of the Committee of Permanent Representatives.

Secretariat note on the election of the  bureau of the Committee of Permanent Representatives   Uploaded on 18 May 2021

Western European and Others Group Statement - 154th meeting of the CPR Uploaded on 20 May 2021

Agenda Item 5: Election of officers.


Agenda Item 6: Assessment and lessons learned from the online session of the fifth session of the UN Environment Assembly

Virtual meetings “short questionnaire” results  Uploaded on 5 May 2021

Draft evaluation of the online UNEA-5   Uploaded on 7 May 2021

Revised presentation - Assessment of online UNEA-5 Uploaded on 24 May 2021

Agenda Item 7: Report of the sub-committee

Chair’s Report of the Subcommittee -CPR154   Uploaded on 29 April 2021