• Overview
  • Pre-Session Documents
  • Post-Session Documents

Time: 6 July 14:00 -18:30 (GMT+1), 7 July 09:00 - 12:30 (GMT+1)

VENUE: Tangier, Morocco

Co-Chairs: H.E. Ms. Leila Benali, President of UNEA-6 and Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development of Morocco and H.E. Mr. Firas Khouri, Chair of the Committee of Permanent Representatives, Ambassador of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to Kenya and Permanent Representative to UNEP

The Joint retreat of the Bureau of UNEA-6 and of the CPR Bureau will be preceded by the Major Groups and Stakeholders Consultations - 2023 taking place on the 4th and 5th of July 2023 in Rabat, Morocco.

Revised provisional Agenda Uploaded 4 July 2023

Meeting Summary Uploaded 28 July 2023

Agenda Item 1:  Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda

Revised provisional Agenda Uploaded 4 July 2023

Agenda Item 2: Preparations for UNEA-6

2 a). Ministerial declaration

2 a. 1. Inputs to the draft ministerial declaration of UNEA-6 Uploaded 24 June 2023

2 b). Draft annotated agenda and structure for UNEA-6

2 b. 1. Draft provisional agenda of UNEA-6 Uploaded 21 June 2023

2 b. 2. Draft provisional annotated agenda of UNEA-6 Uploaded 21 June 2023

2 b. 3. Draft structure and format of UNEA-6 Uploaded 21 June 2023

2 b. 4. Concept note on the supplementary item - Cooperation with Multilateral Environmental Agreements Uploaded 21 June 2023

2 b. 5. UNEA Delegates Handbook Uploaded on 24 June 2023

2 c). Process for submission of draft resolutions and decisions for  UNEA-6

2. c. 1. Guidelines on the submission of draft resolutions and decisions Uploaded 27 June 2023

2 d). Draft communication strategy for UNEA-6

2 d. 1. Draft communication strategy  for UNEA-6 Uploaded on 24 June 2023

Agenda Item 3: Other matters


Agenda Item 4: Closing of the meeting