• Overview
  • Schedule
  • Key Speakers
  • Highlights

The ozone layer in the stratosphere absorbs a portion of the sun radiation; therefore, ozone layer depletion has been linked to many harmful effects, including skin cancer, cataracts, and damage to some crops and marine life. Since 1987, all 198 UN Member States have ratified the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer to protect the Earth’s ozone layer by phasing out chemicals including Chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs), Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), and phasing down the Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).

16 September has been proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer (World Ozone Day), commemorating the date of the signing of the Montreal Protocol on 16 September 1987.  World Ozone Day has been celebrated annually around the world to draw attention to the importance of ozone layer protection and achievements from implementing the Montreal Protocol to the public. 

UNEP, UNESCO, National Ozone Units (NOUs) in the Asia-Pacific, and Mahidol University invite you to the press conference for “the Asia Pacific Regional Ozone2Climate Art Contest”, a great project to raise public awareness on the impacts of ozone layer depletion and climate change through different types of artwork. Today is the start of a year-long campaign to spread the message of ozone layer and climate protection visually through our art contest categories of photography, graphic design, and drawing. The winning artwork will be revealed and showcased on World Ozone Day 2022.  

Members of the media and public are invited to watch the proceedings online:

When: 16 September 2021, Bangkok time 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm (GMT+7) 

Registration & Participation online: via Cisco WebEx Events https://bit.ly/Ozone2Climate

For more information and a full copy of the agenda, visit: www.ozone2climate.org  

For media enquiries, please contact: Ms. Nawaporn Saengdaeng (May), email: contact@ozone2climate.org

16 Sep 2021

Time & Place
Event Details
Greeting and welcoming by Master of Ceremony Welcome participants, objective of press conference, overview of agenda and introduction of speakers.
Importance of the Montreal Protocol (ozone depletion, climate change). Achievement of the Montreal Protocol to protect global environment.16 Sep is also World Ozone Day.
Ms. Megumi Seki Executive Secretary, Ozone Secretariat
Roles of UNEP to support countries on awareness raising under the Montreal Protocol. Overview of the art contest (objective, key information) + how UNEP will support country for the contest (promotion plan).
Mr. James S. Curlin Head of OzonAction, UNEP
Roles of UNESCO to support countries on awareness raising Relevance of this contest with UNESCO work.
Ms. Rika Yorozu Head of Executive Office, UNESCO Bangkok
Roles of educational institutions Roles of educational institutions to encourage youth to be engaged and aware of environmental issues including the ozone depletion, climate change and to support research innovation to protect the environment.
Jackrit Suthakorn Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University
Roles of youth Roles of youth to take part in environmental solutions. Youth’s view in the work of ozone layer and climate protection under the Montreal Protocol.
Mr. Siwakorn Maneethein College Student, Chiangmai University
Ozone and climate Ozone and climate are in daily life activities. Everybody can contribute to protecting the ozone and climate. Call for action by the public.
Mr. Alex Rendell National Goodwill Ambassador for Thailand
Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) and the Cooling sector Call for the Government and public in Asia and Pacific Region to jointly participate in this campaign.
Ms. Isabelle Louis Deputy Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, UNEP
Question and Answer Question and Answer
  • Ms. Isabelle Louis, Deputy Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, UNEP.  
  • Ms Rika Yorozu, Head, Executive Office, UNESCO Bangkok.   
  • Ms. Megumi Seki, Executive Secretary, Ozone Secretariat.  
  • Mr. James S. Curlin, Head of OzonAction, UNEP.  
  • Mr. Alex Rendell, National Goodwill Ambassador for Thailand.  
  • Mr. Jackrit Suthakorn, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University, Thailand.  
  • Mr. Siwakorn Maneethein, College Student, Chiangmai University, Thailand.
  • Every 16 September is World Ozone Day.   
  • The achievement of the Montreal Protocol to recover the ozone layer and mitigate climate change.   
  • The challenges to implement the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol to protect the climate.  
  • Youth perspective to the ozone layer and climate protection.  
  • How the general public could help to the ozone2Climate actions.  
  • Overview of the “Asia-Pacific Regional Ozone2Climate Art Contest”.   
  • Contribution of Asia and Pacific Region on the Montreal Protocol implementation.  
  • Call for governments and the public in Asia and Pacific Region to jointly participate in this campaign.  
  • Entry into the contest will be from 16 September 2021 through 31 March 2022.   
  • Participants can submit three types of artwork: photography, graphic design and drawing with two age group categories of Youth (15 years or younger) and General (15 years or older) for each type of artwork.  
  • National level contest winners will move on to be entered into the Regional level contest.