The sixth session of the Open-ended Committee of Permanent Representatives (OECPR) will be held in a hybrid format on 19 to 23 February 2024, in Nairobi, Kenya.
Informal consultations in the form of working groups/contact groups will be organized as hybrid meetings with a combination of in-person and online participation through an online platform.
The Open-ended Committee of permanent Representatives (OECPR) is the intersessional subsidiary body of UNEA. The OECPR serves as a preparatory meeting of the UNEA agenda and pre-negotiates and deliberates the content and wording of proposed resolutions, declarations and decisions for endorsement and approval by the Assembly. Comprising of all accredited representatives to the Committee of Permanent Representatives, UNEP accredited Major Groups and Stakeholders can participate in the OECPR.
The inclusion of Major Groups and Stakeholders (MGS) in the Open-Ended Committee of Permanent Representatives (OECPR) ensures that a wide array of interests and voices are heard in the decision-making process. The MGS contribute diverse perspectives and expertise to address environmental challenges effectively while promoting partnerships and collaboration between different stakeholders, including governments, civil society organizations, businesses, and academia. By working together with member states, they can leverage resources, share best practices, and implement joint initiatives to address environmental challenges more effectively.
Their involvement encourages inclusivity and participation in environmental decision-making processes, ensuring that all stakeholders' concerns and objectives, particularly those of disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, are taken into consideration. All things considered, the participation of Major Groups and Stakeholders in the OECPR process is crucial to promoting inclusive, knowledgeable, and successful decision-making on international environmental concerns. Their involvement enhances the legitimacy, effectiveness, and sustainability of environmental policies and initiatives.
The major groups speakers at the opening of the OECPR were as below. Kindly note that that statements are uploaded under the documents tab above.
- Children and Youth MG
- Workers and Trade Union
- Local Authorities MG
- Farmers MG
- Scientific and Technological Community
- Women MG
- Indigenous People and their Communities MG
- Business and Industry MG
- Regional Facilitators
For further updates on the OECPR please watch this space.