• Overview

Event posterDate: Wednesday, 3 February 2021;14:00hrs - 15:00hrs GMT

Where: Online, register here.

The age of ‘business as usual’ is over. Organisations from across the economic landscape need their efforts towards environmental sustainability coupled with wholesale economic and societal change. The COVID-19 pandemic has already had a profound impact on corporate governance, and the global climate and nature crises pose an even greater challenge. It is more important than ever that businesses are resilient and adaptable to changing market conditions and help to lead the way in building back better.

‘Adapt to Survive’ is the first of six GEO for Business Briefs written by UNEP to better inform, engage and stimulate positive action from business leaders. Join the launch of the first in the series to strengthen your understanding of the environmental challenges and business opportunities that the global community faces.

For more information, contact: unep-science-geoforbusiness@un.org