• Overview

adelphi, Search for Common Ground (Search), and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)  have the great pleasure to invite you to the Geneva Peace Week 21

This year’s overall theme is “From seeds to systems of peace: Weathering today’s challenges”.  adelphi, Search, and UNEP are organising a session on "Effective Learning and Assessment Tools for Environmental Peacebuilding". 

The goal of this interactive session is to improve collaboration and technical knowledge-sharing between climate scientists, conservationists, peacebuilding practitioners, and other relevant development actors. Participants will be able to: 

  1. Explore novel approaches to integrated climate and security risk analysis and lessons learned from their applications in fragile contexts. 
  2. Identify key challenges for implementing conflict-sensitive conservation or natural resource management programmes and recommendations for designing more effective learning tools for practitioners.

Following inputs from our speakers—Chrisantus Lapang, Search’s Nigeria Conflict Analyst; Lukas Rüttinger, Senior Advisor at adelphi, and Marie Schellens, Environmental Security Analyst at UNEP—Carlotta Fassiotti, Senior Manager on Institutional Learning at Search will facilitate an interactive discussion on how peacebuilders can better account for climate and environmental risks and how conservationists can make their interventions more conflict-sensitive.

Event time: 15.30-17.00 CET

Please register through this link