• Overview


Under the theme of “Reducing river plastic litter through science, policy and citizen action”, the Forum on Plastic-Free Rivers in Asia will take place virtually on 8-10 March 2022, and will highlight new insights gained from field research and country experiences in ensuring plastic-free rivers to help address marine plastic pollution. 

Through collaboration with over 20 partners, the CounterMEASURE project has conducted studies, consultations and technical support in six countries along the Mekong and Ganges rivers, including select locales in Sri Lanka. By advancing frontier technologies, the project elaborated methodologies for plastic pollution assessment and monitoring, expanded research on the impacts of plastic on wildlife, and informed policy and behavioral changes.

Join the Forum to learn the latest findings, technologies, and opportunities for future developments and scaling.

Session highlights and discussions will cover:



Confirm your participation by completing the online registration form.

To ensure seamless registration and connection during the event, please:

  1. Provide the requested information and select any or all of the sessions that you would like to participate in; and
  2. Gain access through the session link issued by the organizers.

The Forum will be held virtually through Zoom. Remember to access the link sent to your email to join the sessions.

Contact countermeasure@un.org or visit http://forum2022.countermeasure.asia for further information.