• Overview

During the Ministerial Dialogue, Peru will exchange and share knowledge and experiences with the other GPI countries Ministers of Environments of Republic of Congo, Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of Congo including on the successes but also the challenges for peatlands conservation, restoration and sustainable management. Further, Peru will announce their ambition to integrate peatlands in the country national climate contribution documents (NDCs) and sign a Declaration of Commitment to the International Tropical Peatlands Center.

The event will be on the 5th of July 2021, from 6:45 to 9:15am (Lima time – GMT-5) and moderated by Zorobabel Cancino Rojas.

Panelists include:  

  • His Excellency Gabriel Quijandría - Minister of Environment, Peru
  • Her Excellency Ève Bazaiba Masudi - Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Her Excellency Arlette Soudan-Nonault - Minister of Environment, Sustainable Development and the Congo Basin, Republic of Congo
  • Her Excellency Siti Nurbaya - Minister of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia
  • Doreen Robinson – Head, Biodiversity and Land Branch, UNEP 

Additional speakers include:

  • Agus Justianto - Director General, Sustainable Forest Management and DG Agency for Research, Development and Innovation
  • Dianna Kopansky - Global Peatlands Coordinator, UNEP
