• Overview

This interactive event is designed as a contribution to the Chatham House Virtual Pavillion on Climate Security. It aims to share the practical experiences and emerging lessons from UNEP’s recent work on climate change and security, including the development of a new data platform to enhance monitoring, analysis and early warning of climate-related security risks; the deployment of climate security advisors to UN mission contexts, e.g. in Somalia; and climate-security pilot projects in Darfur and Nepal. Recognizing the interdisciplinary nature of such compound crises, the event will explore solutions as seen through the lens of analysts and practitioners, bringing practical examples alive through interactive small group discussions. The proposed event will draw on the different experiences and roles across UNEP’s climate security initiatives, serving to inspire new initiatives and ideas for other contexts faced with similar linked climate, environmental and security crises.

UNEP will lead the event described as a contribution to the Chatham House Virtual Pavillion on Climate Security. This event will be structured around interactive small groups discussions to showcase UNEP's work on Climate Security. It will be opened by the moderator, UNEP Climate Security Programme Manager Silja Halle, who will frame the event’s objectives, introduce the speakers, and explain the logistics. The group will then be divided into three breakout rooms facilitated by speakers working on different aspects of climate security. Speakers will be asked to share a 5-10 minute presentation or story within each breakout room to spark discussion, after which the room will be open for informal discussion.

Date and time: Tuesday, 9 November 2021, 15:00-16:30 GMT

Participating institutions: UNEP, Chatham House

Register through the Chatham House Climate Risk and Security Virtual Pavilion.