• Overview
  • Events

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Regional Office for West Asia is facilitating the establishment of the Regional Consortium on Science for Environmental Policy in the region. The Consortium is a platform that allows the scientific community in West Asia to come together for stronger science-based policy changes and aims to mend the miscommunication between policymakers and scientists.  

Renowned experts from West Asia will take part in the consortium on (1) waste and pollution, and (2) climate change.


  • To empower governments and other stakeholders in West Asia to make evidence-based decisions for tackling climate change, biodiversity and nature loss, and waste and pollution.
  • To scale up the engagement of West Asia Region in environmental policy globally.

Pre-inception meeting

Date: Monday 22 May 2023

A Pre-Inception meeting will be held virtually with the experts, with the following objectives:

  1. Introducing the members of the consortium, roles, and responsibilities.
  2. Highlighting the Consortium goals, objectives, and approach.
  3. Discussion on the workplan and deliverables.

During this meeting, the experts will have a chance to meet their peers and participate in an open discussion, and provide comments and feedback before launching the Consortium.

Provisional Agenda:

  1. Opening of the meeting
    1. Welcoming remarks
  2. Round of introductions 
  3. Presentation of the Consortium
    1. Goals, objectives, and approach
    2. Workplan and deliverables
  4. Open discussion on Waste and Pollution Consortium
  5. Open discussion on Climate Change Consortium
  6. Next steps and closure of the meeting