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About SEA of Solutions 2022

The triple planetary crisis of climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss need to be addressed for humanity to have a viable future on this planet. Plastic pollution is a key contributor to this crisis and is choking our seas and threatening ecosystems and livelihoods. It is a by-product of an essentially linear system in which over 75% of the material value of plastic is lost following a short first-use cycle.

Transitioning from this linear system to a circular economy demands impactful solutions across the plastic value chain from designing, producing, and consuming products to post-consumer waste management.

Over the last three years, SEA of Solutions (SoS) – SEA circular’s annual flagship event – has served as an avenue to exchange best practices, enable meaningful dialogue, and empower stakeholders to promote circularity in the plastic value chain within South-East Asia.

SoS 2022 will spotlight unique and impactful solutions along the plastic value chain covering three cross-cutting themes – Innovation, Inclusion, and Collaboration.

The spotlighted solutions will exhibit effective approaches to tackle the plastic pollution crisis including:

  • Plastic avoidance and alternative solutions design;
  • Expanding lifecycle by reducing plastic usage at design and consumption stages; and
  • Removal and better recycling initiatives to allow new post-consumer applications.

In addition, the inclusive and sustainable nature of the solutions will be brought to the fore through how they address gender, human rights, and responsible business conduct.

Alongside the solutions spotlight, SoS 2022 SoS will feature an exchange and discussions between key regional actors and experts in plastic circularity representing governments, the private sector, civil society, development actors, and youth.


The SoS 2022 event will help achieve the following objectives:

  • Exchange ideas, best practices, and market-based solutions to impending challenges in the value chain
  • Enable a dialogue amongst key stakeholders to explore collaboration opportunities and adoption of spotlighted best practices
  • Empower actors, including government, private sector, and civil society, with new knowledge and insights on the trends and upcoming developments as the world moves toward a global plastic agreement

About SoS

SoS is an annual flagship event convened by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA), through the SEA circular project supported by the Government of Sweden.


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