• Overview

UNEP has developed Strata to enhance monitoring, analysis, and early warning of environmental and climate-related security risks, in partnership with the University of Edinburgh and Earthblox. The open-access mapping tool delivers custom data analytics and visualizations on area-specific, climate-related security hotspots where climate and environmental stresses converge with socio-economic risks that potentially drive maladaptation, displacement, and insecurity. It allows users to visualize data data on climate change, environment, peace and security to identify converging risks, to design and prioritise policy and programming responses to address those risks, and to monitor and evaluate interventions.

Roll-up your sleeves for a hands-on demo and Q&A about our data platform's newest features, and join the discussion on the use and development of data-driven insights for climate, environment, and security. 

Date: Thursday, 09 June 2022 Time: 14:00 - 15:30h CET

Register here: https://bit.ly/Strata9June