• Overview
  • Documents
  • Objectives
  • Panelists
  • Registration

Celebrating the historic First Conference of the Parties of the Escazú Agreement, the EGP, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the UN Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights (OHCHR), UN Environment (UNEP), the Raoul Wallenberg Institute, Stockholm University, the Network of National Human Rights Institutions of the American Continent and the Global Network of Human Rights and Environment are convening an official side-event on "Synergies between the Escazú Agreement, human rights law and the Convention on Biological Diversity"

The side-event seeks to catalyze action by various groups towards the implementation of the Escazú Agreement in synergy with the Convention on Biological Diversity. It will offer a platform for multi-stakeholder dialogue and exchange for Latin American, the Caribbean countries and other countries, focusing on priority needs, leverage points and innovations.

The groundbreaking Escazú Agreement was signed by 24 countries and entered into force on April 22, 2021. Greater action, enhanced coordination, and the implementation of commitments are needed, however, to make the right to a healthy environment and access rights recognized in the Escazú agreement a reality for all.

During the side-event, the proceedings report from the dialogue series on "The Escazú Agreement, Human Rights and Healthy Ecosystems”, will be formally launched, along with associate research. Held in October 2021, the series was convened by the EGP with OHCHR, UNEP, and the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), under a broader partnership on the UN Secretary-General's Global Call for Action on Human Rights.

  1. Generate a dialogue exchange for Latin American and the Caribbean countries and other countries around the world to discuss priority needs, leverage points and innovations to implement the Escazú Agreement in synergy with the Convention on Biological Diversity.  
  2. Catalyze action by various groups to advance the realisation of the right to a healthy environment, and build on lessons learned and innovations to achieve the objectives of the Escazú Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity.  
  3. Launch the proceedings report of the Dialogue Series on "The Escazú Agreement, Human Rights and Healthy Ecosystems" and associated research.

Moderator: Andrea Brusco, Environmental Governance Regional Coordinator, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). 


  • Camila Isabel Zepeda Lizama, Mexico’s Chief Negotiator for Climate Change and Biodiversity.  
  • Kate Wilson, National Focal Point for the Escazú Agreement, Saint Lucia’s Department of Sustainable Development.  
  • Mariana Blengio Valdés, Director, National Human Rights Institution and Ombudsperson Office of Uruguay (TBC).  
  • Santiago Carrizosa, Senior Technical Advisor on Biodiversity and Ecosystems for Latin America and the Caribbean, UNDP.  
  • Maria Antonia Tigre, Deputy Director, Global Network on Human Rights and Environment. 

Date and timing: Thursday, 21 April 2022, from 12:30 to 13:45 EDT/Santiago (18:30 - 19:45 CEST/Stockholm

Interpretation: English, Spanish and Portuguese. 

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