Agenda item 1: Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda
UNEP/OECPR.6/1 Provisional and annotated agenda
Agenda item 2: Organization of work
Draft structure
Agenda item 3: Budget and Programme Performance, including implementation of previously adopted Assembly resolutions and decisions
UNEA-6 official documents
Agenda item 4: Administrative and budgetary matters
UNEP/EA.6/13 - Implementation of decisions 5/4 on the provisional agenda, dates and venue of the sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly – Report by the Executive Director
UNEP/EA.6/INF/15 - Information on the implementation of decision 5/2 on Medium‑term strategy for 2022–2025 and programme of work and budget for the biennium 2022–2023 - Note by the secretariat
UNEP/EA.6/INF/17 - Information on implementation of decision 5/4 on the provisional agenda, date and venue of the sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly - Note by the Secretariat
UNEP/OECPR.6/L.2/Rev.1 - Draft decision on provisional agenda, date and venue of the seventh session of UNEA
Agenda item 5: Contributions of the Environment Assembly to the meetings of the high-level political forum on sustainable development
Letter from ECOSOC President to UNEA President
Agenda item 6: Preparation of decisions and outcomes of the sixth session of United Nations Environment Assembly
UNEA-6 resolution portal
Agenda item 7: Other matters
Agenda item 8: Consideration of a draft Chair’s summary
UNEP/OECPR.6/8 - Final Chair´s summary of the 6th meeting of the open-ended meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives
Agenda item 9: Closure of the meeting