• Overview

Regional Consultative Meeting of the UNEP Major Groups and Stakeholders, Africa Ahead of the 10th Special Session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN)

Date: 1-2 September 2024

Venue: Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

10th Special Session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN)

Theme : Reclaiming Africa’s lands: innovative pathways to reducing land degradation, desertification, and drought

The tenth special session of the Africa Ministerial Conference on Environment will be held on 1-5th September 2024 in Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire with a focus on land degradation, desertification, and drought, under the theme “Reclaiming Africa’s lands: innovative pathways to reducing land degradation, desertification, and drought.”

The special session will discuss innovative actions to consolidate the momentum around land degradation, desertification, and drought, as a key challenge that further compounds the achievements of the Sustainable Development Goals and Africa’s 2063 Agenda. The special session will articulate a strong position on land degradation, desertification, and drought and is expected to adopt decisions to accelerate and scale up the implementation of land degradation actions and solutions building on key regional and global initiatives. It will explore multifaced approaches needed to sustain the momentum around conserving existing ecosystems and turning degraded landscapes into thriving ecosystems, secure livelihoods, and build a more resilient future for generations to come.

To generate support and elevate the momentum around the issues, the outcomes of the special session will also be presented at several global fora, including the upcoming sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification to be held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (2-13 December 2024), the Summit for the Future (22-23 September 2024), the sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity (21 October–1 November 2024), at the twenty-ninth session of the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (11-22 November 2024).

In keeping with tradition and to create adequate, organized space for African non-state actors on the environment to represent the voices of their communities and contribute to the African environmental agenda, the Major Groups and Stakeholders of the UN Environment Programme(UNEP), Africa, will hold their Regional Consultative Meeting (RCM) on the 1 and 2 September 2024 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire and engage actively in the 10th Special Session of AMCEN.

The 2024 Regional Consultative Meeting, Africa


The 2024 Regional Consultative Meeting (RCM), Africa seeks to provide an in-person and virtual dialogic and expert platform of UNEP Major Groups and Stakeholders, Africa and other actors on the environment into a two-day meeting to prepare inputs for the 10th Special Session of AMCEN.


Registration is open for all organizations including the nonaccredited organizations for the Regional Consultative meeting.

However, only UNEP and UNCCD accredited organization will be approved to attend the 10th Special Session of AMCEN from 3 to 6 September 2024. Kindly follow the link below to register.


Request for funding

UNEP has very limited funding to  support a number of Major Groups and Stakeholders from Africa region to attend the regional consultative meeting that will be taking place from 1 to 2 of September 2024. Selection will be based on regional balance, 9 major groups and gender balance.

If you are from UNEP accredited organization and requires travel support, kindly submit you request via the link below
