• Overview
  • Documents

Location:  Virtual

Date: December 16 -17, 2020

Connection to the meeting

We are using an online platform for the RCM created on HowSpace and we will use Zoom.

On the platform, you will find background information and documents. The RCM platform is available now and you will soon receive a separate message from HowSpace to connect to the platform.

Please contact Patrizia Heidegger for more information on the link to join the call

Rules of engagement

We will use the normal Zoom conference function, i.e. all of you can use your cameras and speak up (as opposed to Webinar function where participants cannot be seen and are muted and only speakers can be seen).

However, given that we expect a larger number of participants, all of you will be muted and your cameras are switched off by default (except for speakers). While we have speakers, we will ask you to keep yourselves muted and to keep your cameras off. When we move to the questions and discussion please switch on your cameras and ask questions yourself. You can raise the hand function or say in the chat that you have a questions – and we encourage everyone to speak up.

Do make active use of the polls we are going to use and share thoughts and comments on the online “Wall of Thoughts”. Also use the chat to comment – but we prefer if you raise your hand and share your thoughts live!

Please make sure you connect to Zoom indicating your full name and organisation. You can change that by clicking on your name on the participant’s list. We will not allow for anonymous or unidentified participants.

We will also record the audio of the session for the documentation of the conference.