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Time:13:00-16:00 (GMT+3)

VENUE: Hybrid (Conference 4 and online)

Chaired by: H.E. Mr. Wael Nasreldin Attiya, Vice Chair of the Committee of Permanent Representatives, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Arab Republic of Egypt to UNEP

Provisional Agenda Uploaded 11 September 2024

Agenda Item 1. Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda. 

Provisional Agenda Uploaded 11 September 2024

Agenda Item 2. Secretariat briefing on the outcome from the third authors meeting for the seventh Global Environment Outlook and on the development of the GEO-7 Summary for Policy Makers 

Background document


GEO-7 process webpage

Agenda Item 3. Other matters. 

Agenda Item 4. Closing of the meeting.