• Overview
  • Documents
  • Pre-Session Documents
  • Post Meeting Resources

TIME:  14:00 – 17:00

VENUE: Online


Chaired by: H.E. Mr. Fernando Estellita Lins de Salvo Coimbra, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Brazil

Annotated Provisional Agenda    Uploaded on 12 May 2021

Meeting Summary 

Agenda Item 1. Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda.

Annotated Provisional Agenda    Uploaded on 12 May 2021

Choreography - Consideration of 2020 PPRv3 Uploaded on 02 June 2021

Agenda Item 2. Presentation of the UNEP Programme Performance Report for 2020

UNEP 2020 Programme Performance Report   Uploaded on 05 May 2021