Ministerial-level Thematic Forums will bring together key stakeholders virtually over five days, 21-25 June 2021, to mobilize actions as a major milestone on the road to the High-level Dialogue on Energy in September 2021.
Ministers from national governments and leaders from business, cities, civil society and youth organizations and other stakeholders will have the opportunity to showcase solutions and partnerships on each priority theme and present their Energy Compacts, setting out their voluntary commitments and actions.
Ministerial Segment
Official Launch of Theme Report on Energy Transition by the ED’s of Co-lead Organizations (IRENA, UN ESCAP, UNEP) - Date: 23rd of June - Time: 09:47 – 10:10 am EST
Multistakeholder Events
International Cooperation and Regional Integration to Advance the Energy Transition - Multi-stakeholder event - Date: 23rd of June - Time: 08:02 – 08:42 am EST
Promoting the Diversification and Framework of a Circular Economy - Multi-stakeholder event - Date: 24th of June - Time: 07:48 – 08:15 am EST
UNEP-led Side Events at the Ministerial Thematic Forums
Launch of Technical Working Group 2 Report on Energy Transition - Date: 23rd of June - Time: 11:30 am – 12:45 pm EST
Regional Compact for Higher Performance ‘Eco-Efficient’ Lighting, Appliances and Equipment for All - Date: 23rd of June - Time: 12:45 to 02:00 pm EST - Register here
More energy-efficient lighting, appliances and equipment alone can save the electricity used each year equivalent to over 300 large power plants, saving emerging economy consumers in all global regions more than $60 billion annually.
This event will bring together stakeholders to discuss firm commitments for internationally harmonised regional standards, fostering joint implementation support, market monitoring and financing as well as encouraging incentives that ramp-up the introduction of eco-efficient products, including through green procurement.
Delivering on Energy, Health, Climate and Food through action on Efficient, Climate-Friendly Cooling - Date: 24th of June - Time: 06:00 - 07:00 am EST - Register here
In this year of action, strengthening action on efficient-climate friendly cooling is key to achieve a whole-system transformation across energy, health and food while delivering on the climate agenda.
To highlight how action on cooling can simultaneously contribute to the energy transition, the goals of the UN Food Systems Summit and those of COP26, the Cool Coalition and SEforALL are hosting a side event at the Ministerial Thematic Forums for the High-level Dialogue on Energy.
This event will present a new Energy Compact on Cooling and showcase concrete commitments and strategies by countries, cities, private sector and civil society to make this opportunity for system transformation on energy, food, health and climate a reality.