UN Environment, UNEP-WCMC, and partners will officially launch the UKRI GCRF Trade, Development, and the Environment Hub (“TRADE Hub”) among the international environment and trade policy community in Geneva on September 12, 2019. The launch reception will form part of the 5th Annual BioTrade Congress and the wider umbrella of the of the one week long UN Trade Forum: SDGs and Climate Change.
The global research Consortium under the leadership of UNEP-WCMC is the first of its kind, bringing together over 50 organizations from 15 different countries from industry, trade agencies, academia, governments and civil society. Research will focus on trends and impacts of trade in wildlife, wild meat and agricultural goods on global biodiversity and social development. The project includes work at global, and national level in the following countries: Brazil, Cameroon, China, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Indonesia, Republic of Congo, and Tanzania.
Under the leadership of UN Environment, the Geneva-based launch will zoom-in on the role of international trade policies and institutions in advancing sustainable trade. As a major implementing partner, UN Environment will be co-leading the work package on policy and public-sector impacts and solutions.
When: 6-8pm, September 12, 2019
Where: Delegates’ Restaurant, Palais des Nations, Avenue de la Paix 8-14, 1211 Geneva
Registration is mandatory for external participants that require access to Palais des Nations, Geneva. Please note that no access may be granted to any conference participant not registered with UN security prior to the event. Please register online via the UN Trade Forum here.