• Overview
  • Pre-Session Documents
  • Post-Session Documents

Time: 16:00 - 18:00 (GMT+3)

VENUE:  Online

CHAIR: H. E. Mr. Abdullah Bin Ali Al Amri, President of UNEA and Chair of the Environment Authority of Oman.  

Provisional agenda Uploaded on 23 April 2024

Meeting Summary Uploaded on 29 May 2024

Agenda item 1. Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda. 

Provisional agenda Uploaded on 23 April 2024

Agenda item 2. Introduction to the work of the Bureau of UNEA.  

Agenda item 2. Introduction to the work of the Bureau of UNEA. Uploaded on 23 April 2024

Agenda item 3. Organization of work. 

Draft Roadmap for the Bureau of UNEA-7 Uploaded on 6 May 2024

Agenda item 4. Assessment and lessons learned from UNEA-6. 

Revised version – UNEA-6 assessment and lessons learned – final version submitted to the 166th meeting of the CPR, taking into account views expressed at the CPR Subcommittee meeting on 02 May 2024

Agenda item 5. Consideration of the process to define the theme for UNEA-7. 

Agenda item 5. Consideration of the process to define the theme for UNEA-7. Uploaded on 23 April 2024

Agenda item 6. Other matters. 


Agenda item 7. Closing of the meeting. 

Meeting Summary Uploaded on 29 May 2024